Thursday, November 25, 2010

A America the beautiful // Greenhouse Effect Songs Online // The Hits 2009 !!! Jango Airplay BMI Publishing.

213,034 Views - Greenhouse Effect is the Hippest Thing Online. The Odd looking three piece band with no tattoos or piercings is an internet anomaly . And they're not afraid one bit to show off their nerdy side. Great Songs have come from the Redondo Beach California Trio on the web for the Last Seven years and high web traffic and searches are their trademark !! "We don't look like any band,..we don't sound anything like any other band and that is the key to G.e." Says Guitarist_Clark-Haggans_Arizona. "We are to the internet what porn once was." Many have called G.e's relentless ad campaigns at Facebook, Myspace, and Google Adwords "Oppressive" but Haggins says that the ads are something that is fairly brand new to G.e. "We were huge on the web long before all the ads" Says Clark-Higgins_Writer/Blogger. "People who are into music from 1972 through 1977 love us because they say that we sound alot like Harry Nilsson and early Iggy Pop records,...thats enough for me !!" Haggins says that the pop up ads and banners simply allow Greenhouse Effect to make money and be "rewarded" for all of their previous hard work all over cyberspace; "We can sell songs with itunes now and other tricks and places,....we can run commercials over our songs at like 50,000 different web sites,...I say 'why not',..I know that its CERTAINLY NOT punk rock ethics,...but the heavy metal side of my brain is very corporate and capitalist, wants to make money ,..and make lots of it,..." Haggans says that funny looking Red Head bassist Rick Carmody and disarming silly drummer Palle Carlson are the important "Keys' to why G.e. is so damn cool; "Those guys look like dorks - They're 'NOT' rock n roll at all , brings a very human element to our web attack,...I look like this cool hip rocker dude but people can plainly see that I am also a dork,...we look human,....we look very normal and natural,..theres no tattoos,..and uncool people can really relate,.....we don't try to fool anyone on how many babes we can score,..we're all married,....and everybody knows married people are the biggest losers of all (Laughs)...." There may be absolutely nothing cool about G.e's look but it is Greenhouse Effect's weird sound that may be the lure, this is the band that performs the very mighty internet hit "Brandy",...a song that is ipodded daily and gets about a million hits per week atleast; "Brandy is the thing that has really 'made' G.e. so durable,....alot of people everyday hear it for the very first time,....and they love it forever" Says Higgins. Greenhouse Effect have taken high heat and criticism for being the South Bay's "One Hit Wonder" and many people just say that they are annoying online ,..albeit with only one good song; "White Black Thang is a great song,....we got other hits,....I've been encountered by people who say that "Brandy" is the only good song enough that I would be a millionaire for every time if they threw me a penny,..."No Takers" is a great song and so is "America The Beautiful",...who cares if the people in Long Beach say G.e. sucks,....nobodys ever heard of any of them,...and everybody's heard of me !!"...

A America the beautiful // Greenhouse Effect So..., posted with vodpod

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