Thursday, May 10, 2012

Pandora Radio - 'Winers, Diners, And Social Climbers' Feb 2, 1992 The Greenhouse Effect & Clark Hagins. Bmi Music.

723,045 Views - Youtube Video 2006 - Pandora Radio - 'Winers, Diners, And Social Climbers' Feb 2, 1992 The Greenhouse Effect & Clark Hagins. Bmi Music. Pandora Radio 2012. The Guitar of Clark Hagins takes off here in this 1992 Los Angeles Video ! The three piece band picks up right where they left off when Mega-Guitarist Phillip Keegan Mutually Parted ways with the group and headed for Northern California. "Ben is dead" and 'Star' would be just two of the band's newest songs of early 1991 that would HELP shape the sound of the 1990's Alternative rock scene to come. No band was more popular in indie 'Zines' such as Flipside, Ben is dead, Maximumrocknroll, and L.A's Bam Magazine but the fortunes of the group would wane as they did not achieve a major label deal along with the countless emo bands who would in the days of 1991 through 1995 and the Alt band signing frenzy. "Nobody would touch our band and everybody knew that we were the Greatest band in Los Angeles ?? Fuck that.." Says Clark Haggins in 2005; "It really sucked, was a complete bummer,...I ended up cleaning Swimming Pools around the South Bay and later Carlsbad California and nobody knew or realized just who i was,...that really sucked,... I tell everybody around me that I am that guy who wrote 'Ben is Dead' and "Hey Negrita' and "White Black Thang' and they just yawn and they're like "That ain't you,..'s simply just a nightmare ( Laughs),...and who cares anyway ,." Hagins says that it's really not funny at all though that the guy who wrote "The Rock Opera - White Suburban Liars" and all kinds of music that is well known to the extreme inside the recording and music magazine industry is still a relative unknown and still living with this day to day in 2005 !! "I'm still waiting for my big lucky break but I guess maybe it's never gonna happen for me and G.e. ,'s sorta Like a lotta heavy metal bands who never made it ,..but way back in the day,..everybody on the scene knew exactly who they were,..G.e. is Like that,.. We lost Keegan at a bad time,... but then we broke up on 1992 at a bad time too also as well !! We shoulda kept on going man !!" Haggins blames bassist Rick Carmody partially for leaving the band and the two have had heated words over the phone since 1992; "It's not friendly talk there,... We don't speak well,... and for 13, 14 years now." Greenhouse Effect took off to success at Youtube in 2005 as their Pro Surfing Video for Tom Curren scored with millions of views and their song "Katie's Song" and "Brandy" a track from 1991 that is getting a buzz on the web in 2004 and 2005 ! "We're more of a Live band,.,.that's where we excelled" Says Hagins of the internet Popular three piece. Recently, Hagins was approached by Ibanez Guitars who saw him playing their instrument in the now-infamous Blue shirt "White Black Thang" Video; "If I can make some money from endorsements,..I'll take it,..Fuck punk rock and their selling out shit,..I clean fucking swimming Pools,..I'm fucking broke !!!" ROCK CITY PROMOTIONS 2006. BMI.


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