Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The World's Most Watched band Wants NUMBER ONE @FUNKYTV http://www.funkytv.com/video/view/1374 #Seo #Marketing #GE! #Greenhouse #Bliptv #it

The World's Most Watched band Wants NUMBER ONE @FUNKYTV http://www.funkytv.com/video/view/1374#Seo #Marketing #GE! #Greenhouse #Bliptv #it

The World's Most Watched band Wants NUMBER ONE @FUNKYTV http://www.funkytv.com/video/view/1374#Seo #Marketing #GE! #Greenhouse #Bliptv #it

Greenhouse-Songs http://www.funkytv.com/video/view/1532 #Brandy #Seo = #MostWatched #Zeus - #BlipTV - #Jango #FunkyTV = #Marketing #GE #Web

Greenhouse-Songshttp://www.funkytv.com/video/view/1532 #Brandy #Seo =#MostWatched #Zeus - #BlipTV - #Jango #FunkyTV = #Marketing#GE #Web

Greenhouse-Songshttp://www.funkytv.com/video/view/1532 #Brandy #Seo =#MostWatched #Zeus - #BlipTV - #Jango #FunkyTV = #Marketing#GE #Web

156,034 Vues - ;Крупнейшие American Music России ", Shes Bitch" парниковыми "Песни - Vues - Крупнейшие American Music России ", Shes Bitch" парниковыми "Песни - Крупнейшие American Music "Россия в Shes Bitch" парниковыми "Песни - Америка рок-группа, которая имеет лучшие песни киберпространстве и получает крупнейших просмотров в Интернете на Youtube и Google Video! - Greenhouse Affeckta Musika "Misogynistia" 1992 - Da Крупнейшие American Music "Россия в Shes Bitch" парниковыми "Песни - Америка рок-группа, которая имеет лучшие песни киберпространстве и получает крупнейших просмотров в Интернете на Youtube и Google Video! en 1992 Rivic Carmody Des pen Der 'One Handed Reader' Esq Redondo Beack Ca - Крупнейшие American Music "Россия в Shes Bitch" парниковыми "Песни - Америка рок-группа, которая имеет лучшие песни киберпространстве и получает крупнейших просмотров в Интернете на Youtube и Google Video! Esc Community Der Pennywise America Rock Festival musica Rockstar Energy Drink Uproar - Крупнейшие American Music "Россия в Shes Bitch" парниковыми "Песни - Америка рок-группа, которая имеет лучшие песни киберпространстве и получает крупнейших просмотров в Интернете на Youtube и Google Video!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Greenhouse Effect Song List (Complete) 1987 - 1992

1985, 86'
The "Clark Hagins" Solo Demo Tapes. Largely Recorded at South Bay Sound in Gardena California; Some tracks and "Bits" recorded at 251 Redondo Beach with home "Sony" Tape Recorders (Overdubbed).

First Songs Recorded; Late 1985 - Hagins Aged 20
1.) Maury,...A Lad Insane
2.) Soviet! (Feel The Soviet Thunder)
3.) Somethings Wrong with the Boy

Engineered By Dan Jamele and Bill Rothenberg

1986; Not in this Order (Months unknown)
1.) Get it Right
2.) Angel Of hell
3.) Magic Fingers
4.) 'Don't Need You
5.) 'Been Her
6.) ??

Recorded by Bill Rothberg and Possible Dan Jammelle at "Media Kitchen" Gardena Calif. (South bay Sound).

Note; There "are' other (Possibly Professionally recorded too) Songs from this period. A Possible Song called "Scary Sabbath" was accidentally mailed away to somewhere unknown (And it was the only Cassette copy) The Master Tapes exist but are "Akai 12 track system" tapes,...and those Akai consoles are rarely used post 1992 (And ofcourse in the today World of the 2000's are virtually impossible to find). NOTES; There was a 1987 Recording Session that began with Haggins and Dan Jamale and Lasted mere minutes as Hagins cut the session abruptly short - With due to a stress related Possible Panic Attack !! (A severe nervous condition Hagins has suffered since childhood and still to this day.) "It worked out perfect" Says Higgins "I remember something Like all of a sudden, the guy had to leave anyway" - (Laughs)

1988 - With Guitarist_Phil Keegan, Bassist_Rick Carmody and Greenhouse Effect (February / March 1988) South Bay Sound Co. Gardena California - Likely not in this Order

1.) Precarious
2.) Number One
3.) Think About it (Yardbirds Cover)
4.) Wring that Neck
5.) Racers
6.) The Magic Man
7.) Little Man
8.) Actor

1989 - April / May 89' With Bill Rothenberg - South Bay Sound

1. 3/4
2. A Current Affair
3. Six Feet Under
4. Snake

1990 - May 90'

1.) Virus O'Syrus
2.) Coke Snorting
3.) Waiting for your Love to Fail!

1990 - December 90' - Haggins and Carmody only

1.) Wilson Phillips
2.) America The Beautiful

1991 - January / February 91' - Clark Hagins; Drums, Guitar, Vocals / Rick-Carmody_Bass

1.) Dead End Street
2.) Ben is Dead
3.) Star
4.) Hey Negrita
5.) 22nd Street
6.) God's Joke

1991 - April / May 91' - Haggins and Carmody_Bass - Recorded with Bill Krodel and Mark Nathanson @ Jet City Sound Studios, El Segundo California

1.) Subdue
2.) Manipulation
3.) White Black Thang
4.) Please please me (Beatles Cover).

1991 - November / December / March 92' Mix

1.) Brandy

1992 - May June ( Engineered By Bill Krodel)

1.) Search and Destroy
2.) People (That won't back down).
3.) The Ballad of Kurt Cobain
4.) No Takers

1992 - July / August

1.) Addicted
2.) Misogynistia
3.) Five Years

1992 - September

1.) Big Teen Dollars

1992 - October / November

1.) Theme
2.) Irie Bob
3.) Katy's Song (Gurdle)
4.) So Much Better
5.) It Ain't Easy
6.) White Suburban Liars
7.) Ripping Reason
8.) ??

There are other Complete songs in here believe it or not as well as song "Fragments" recorded Dec and Nov 92' - A cover of Dusty Springfield's "You don't have to say you love Me" exists on Hagins' master tapes Recorded by Bill Krodel.

Band Officially breaks up in November / December 1992 - There are no more known recorded songs or works beyond this point - Bassist Rick Carmody Officially joined the 'One handed Readers' possibly as early as Summer 1992 in Redondo Beach.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Greenhouse Effect Songs #BlipTv - Russia / Sweden / Greece / #Twitter Funky Tv = Greenhouse-Songs.

Greenhouse Effect Songs

The Write up is more important than the actual Video. The Blog is Everything. 'Thats' where the interest is. Greenhouse Effect Song Videos. You seen them on the web no doubt. You're one of millions. And G.e. does most of their dirty work with the cheapest and fastest of technology; Windows movie maker and a couple a' other quick programs. "Thats about it" Says Clark Hagins, the notorious Guitarist / Vocalist behind the band ,..and believe it,..running the World's most Watched band ain't easy - and keeping G.e. in all those Video Top tens and "Never going outta style' is tough business - But Haggins and G.e. seem to keep doing it,...and its a hell of alot more to do with than just Haggins' Great Songs; "Theres Twitter,..theres Facebook, theres Grifting at Tila Tequila and Perez Hilton,..theres Tea Partys and Fox News,....theres only so many things for G.e. to link to" Says Hagins. And Hagins often gets emails from "other rock bands' who desperately want his help,..'who also want to be seen and known Like the Mighty G.e.; "If I could tell them the secret i would" Says Haggins "I listen to alotta' Demo tapes from bands all day just like as if I'm an A & R Guy,...the bottom Line is ya gotta have good, unique shit" says Haggins "And quite frankly,...most bands just F***ing suck nowadays,.....there just isn't that ambient David Bowie energy anywhere right now today,....and sometimes i fear that there never will be again ,...the media just make people so stupid now - its a damn shame,...it's all just about pure consumerism " says Hagins. Greenhouse Effect more than get by upon the combinations of Rush, David Bowie, the Beatles, and the Who and that notorious "70's" Sound that G.e. seems to perfect better than any other band out there seems to be a winner for the Little three piece that could; The Mighty G.e. - Greenhouse Effect Music Videos exploded in 2007 at the then fledgeling GoogleVideoCom where Haggins became one of the Net's earliest uber-celebritys along with Smosh, Tila Tequila, and others, Landing and staying in many Video Top Ten in-demand Lists; "I was recognized every where I went back then" Says Haggins who cleans swimming pools in Carlsbad California,... "People wonder why I'm not rich,.....I told em' Web Celebs are broke - just go ask Smosh,....but then we all saw Tila Tequila and Perez hit the big time,...it never happened for me though,...I guess they won't help you get really famous unless you're some gay liberal or some shit like that (Laughs)" Says Higgins.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Old School Shit 1987/ 88' Greenhouse_Effect - Phil-Keegan_Guitar "The Magic Man" Kick out this tight Audio Jam !! http://revver.com/video/662605/the-magic-man-the-greenhouse-effect-band/

Old School Shit 1987/ 88' Greenhouse_Effect - Phil-Keegan_Guitar "The Magic Man" Kick out this tight Audio Jam !! http://revver.com/video/662605/the-magic-man-the-greenhouse-effect-band/    

Old School Shit 1987/ 88' Greenhouse_Effect - Phil-Keegan_Guitar "The Magic Man" Kick out this tight Audio Jam !! http://revver.com/video/662605/the-magic-man-the-greenhouse-effect-band/    Old School Shit 1987/ 88' Greenhouse_Effect - Phil-Keegan_Guitar "The Magic Man" Kick out this tight Audio Jam !! 


Friday, September 17, 2010

G.e. "Dead End Street" - We don't Sound Like Any Other Band, We're Unique,...and MTV Can Eat Sh**,...Make sure to Always pursue art First and Trends Later http://blip.tv/file/4132195

G.e. "Dead End Street" - We don't Sound Like Any Other Band, We're Unique,...and MTV Can Eat Sh**,...Make sure to Always pursue art First and Trends Later http://blip.tv/file/4132195   

G.e. "Dead End Street" - We don't Sound Like Any Other Band, We're Unique,...and MTV Can Eat Sh**,...Make sure to Always pursue art First and Trends Later http://blip.tv/file/4132195   

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Greenhouse-Effect Music @ Jango-Internet-Radio - Over 32 Remastered Songs - All the classics are soundin' even better with Digital http://www.jango.com/music/Greenhouse+Effect?l=0

Greenhouse-Effect Music @ Jango-Internet-Radio - Over 32 Remastered Songs - All the classics are soundin' even better with Digital http://www.jango.com/music/Greenhouse+Effect?l=0 

Greenhouse-Effect Music @ Jango-Internet-Radio - Over 32 Remastered Songs - All the classics are soundin' even better with Digital http://www.jango.com/music/Greenhouse+Effect?l=0 Jango internet Radio

Saturday, September 11, 2010

#Seo Greenhouse Effect Songs Old School 1990 "Coke Snorting" From "Immorally Moral" itunes = Phil-Keegan_Guitar http://vimeo.com/10373795

Reciprocal Links Greenhouse_Songs 

#Seo #Twitter Greenhouse Effect Songs Old School 1990 "Coke Snorting" From "Immorally Moral" itunes = Phil-Keegan_Guitar http://www.vimeo.com/10373795     #GE #Marketing #Zeus 

Greenhouse Effect Songs Old School 1990 "Coke Snorting" From "Immorally Moral" itunes = Phil-Keegan_Guitar http://vimeo.com/10373795    

Greenhouse Effect Songs Old School 1990 "Coke Snorting" From "Immorally Moral" itunes = Phil-Keegan_Guitar http://vimeo.com/10373795    

Thursday, September 9, 2010

GE Keeps Rockin' With World Top Audio Songs "Irie Bob" 1992 hits with big melody !Rock Us @Jango-Radio #SEo http://www.blip.tv/file/3652694/

GE Keeps Rockin' With World Top Audio Songs "Irie Bob" 1992 hits with big melody !Rock Us @Jango-Radio #SEo http://www.blip.tv/file/3652694/
GE Keeps Rockin' With World Top Audio Songs "Irie Bob" 1992 hits with big melody !Rock Us @Jango-Radio #SEo http://www.blip.tv/file/3652694/

Clear Channel Music "New" Brandy Greenhouse Eff..., posted with vodpod

GE Keeps Rockin' With World Top Audio Songs "Irie Bob" 1992 hits with big melody !Rock Us @Jango-Radio #SEo http://www.blip.tv/file/3652694/

GE Keeps Rockin' With World Top Audio Songs "Irie Bob" 1992 hits with big melody !Rock Us @Jango-Radio #SEohttp://www.blip.tv/file/3652694/

GE Keeps Rockin' With World Top Audio Songs "Irie Bob" 1992 hits with big melody !Rock Us @Jango-Radio #SEohttp://www.blip.tv/file/3652694/

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Trademark Band Name - Greenhouse Effect - Clark Hagins 1992 "It Ain't Easy" - BMI Music Nashville.

Zeus-1000internet.Marketing - Greenhouse Effect Trademarks Name - It's Official !!! http://blip.tv/file/4095659 -#Seo - #Marketing #GE #web


Zeus-1000internet.Marketing - Greenhouse Effect Trademarks Name - It's Official !!! http://blip.tv/file/4095659 -#Seo - #Marketing #GE #web

The World's Most Watched band Now can claim their name as their own - finally - and ATLAST !! - After Years of frustration, and watching other bands swipe his brilliant ROCK.BAND NAME, Clark Hagins took legal Action with the State Of California and Secretary of State Debra Bowen's Office and Trademarked his very Famous internet band's Precious name "Greenhouse Effect". September 2010 officially marks the first month as "time' Where the 'Real G.e" atlast can claim it's name as "it's" own. "I've watched in horror as so a' many bands around the world have claimed our name as 'theirs" but we are so known on the web and we have used this name since 1985,....We are a super well known international act and our notoriety as being the band that Performs the hit Songs "Brandy" and "White Black Thang" (Both from the Long ago year of 1991) - ...which have become Famous Tracks of the web and gotten Hagins notoriety at cyberspace places such as Google VideomCom and Jango and Pandora Radio. "More musical bands clamor for this brilliant Musical Group Name than any other name in the musical universe History,.....To date, there are some 178 Bands or solo artists World Wide who claim the name "Greenhouse Effect" but only Hagins and the longest known Group to use the term, bothered to think of actually Trademarking it. "I opened up the yellow pages and i took advice from an attorney in San Diego's North County and the rest is history" Says Hagins "I guess other bands were to busy rapping or getting stoned or playing their techno to notice,..." - Zeus-1000internet.Marketing - Greenhouse Effect Trademarks Name - It's Official !!! http://blip.tv/file/4095659 -#Seo - #Marketing #GE #web - The band that performs two of the web's most watched Songs Videos popped the champaigne in early September 2010; "The World knows that we're the real G.e. - Brandy and "White Black" and "Precarious" with Phil Keegan-on-Guitar,... thats us !!!!" Says Hagins. 
Zeus-1000internet.Marketing - Greenhouse Effect Trademarks Name - It's Official !!! http://blip.tv/file/4095659 -#Seo - #Marketing #GE #web