Greenhouse-Effect-Songs:Old School 1988 Phil Keegan_Guitar"Precarious" Clark Hagins Drums Rock City Video 1988
Greenhouse-Effect-Songs:Old School 1988 Phil Keegan_Guitar"Precarious" Clark Hagins Drums Rock City Video 1988
In August of 1989 at the 'Music Machine' Club in West Los Angeles, Greenhouse Effect is captured here performing Live in front of their usual empty crowd; "That night at the Music Machine on Wilshire,..there were actually like 100 silent people sitting their with their Legs crossed as we were playing,..and about the usual three, maybe four of our crowd,...Larry Carstens and Jeff Hrzina and maybe two other people,..Maybe Andy Vest, I forget ..these three people quite often supported G.e.,..and today, i thank them,... though I still think that the guy Andy is kind-of a Douchebag personality-wise,..he was a loyal fan ,..who was just about always at our shows,..anyway, about 'half-way' through this gig,...I noticed that the silent crowd - people who were there for other bands that were playing their that night - were actually slowly getting 'stunned',..(Laughs) ,..We were slowly winning them over song by song,...and by the time we finished our set ,..the other two bands who were gonna play,..just packed up their shit and left !! (Laughs),....I remember when we came off the stage,..I asked the sound guy 'what happened to all the other people and he was like,..'are you kidding ?? dude, guys blew those bands and that crowd away - they fucking left in horror !,...Would you wanna follow you guys onto a stage ??,...YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME !!" ,..And I was like What ?? C'mon man,..don't fuck with me ?? and he was like "Seriously man,...I've never seen any band as good as you guys and geuss what ?? I just taped it - I caught it all on Video Tape !!" And he sold me the tape for like 100 Bucks or something like that" (Laughs)... Right there on the spot !
Greenhouse-Effect-Songs: Old School 1988 Phil Keegan_Guitar "Precarious" Clark Hagins Drums Rock City PRODUCTIONS Video 1988
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