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654,023 Views - Vimeo Video - Grunge Is Dead - The Return Of Grunge 2012 ! The Mighty Greenhouse Effect LOS ANGELES CALIF. BMI MUSIC. Greenhouse Effect is by far the Loudest Band on the internet. They don't Look or Sound Like any other band in the World ! And their Planet Wide Popularity grew even huger in 2011 and 2012 as "Brandy" celebrated it's 70,000,000 Video View World Wide !! There's nothing Particularly attractive about G.e. ( Bassist Rick Carmody Looks about equal to Roger Waters of Pink Floyd ) and you've probably discovered them in a "Surfing Video" at Vimeo or Youtube with Kelly Slater, Clay Marzo, Or Tom Curren quite by accident yourself !! The band's sound cannot be descibed but one thing is certain. It is definitely all about high quality melodic Songwriting when it comes to the mighty G.e as their music can simply blow every other band or Solo Artist near them - Right outta the water !! "People can spot the honesty and the quality in G.e." Says Guitarist / Singer / Web Guru Entrepeneur Clark Haggins for Rock City Entertainment Boston Ma. "We have a sound that is authentically more Like David Bowie than any other band ,...bands that try to sound Like Bowie are even in shock at us ,..but we can mix it up with Captain Beyond, Rush, and the Who !!! and better than anybody and everybody !!" - "Brandy" is the Mega-Song that took G.e. around the world on Youtube in 2005 and 2006 to stunning heights and other bands soon learned the ways and soon followed ,..in the foot steps of the mighty G.e. "We taught every other band the power of the internet,..We taught the major Labels how to market bands in cyberspace,... Everybody has learned from us" Says Haggins. "All the bands that hit it big on Myspace and later on Facebook ,..it all goes back to G.e" Says Haggins. Surfing Music Videos have made Haggins both popular and infamous in the Surfing World as more than a few Pro Riders have accused Haggins of "Using" the sport to promote his band and often exclaiming that Haggins knows nothing about Surfing except for his connection to his Pro Surfer Nephew Hagan Kelley who works with Encinitas Surf Company Superbrand; "Everybody has always criticized me for something,...I understand ,..and long ago,..I am a five foot six guy who ain't gonna get no love or respect,... Every thing I do and every where I get is from pure hard work ,... Nothing is going to be handed to me,..and I understood that long ago" Says Haggins. "But people can see that I have the talent to back all this shit up,...and that is why I'm number One" Says Haggins. Hagins has struggled with Youtube and Myspace and various companys that have deleted or limited his video accounts and he says that all the millions views Surfing videos have broken down walls that were inpenetrable for G.e. "People forget for the moment that they hate my guts when they hear my music in a surfing video,...(Laughs)" Says Haggins. "Now,..it's almost how I survive online,....and I got so many different kinds of songs that ya gotta be careful,..you either may or may not be hearing a Greenhouse Effect Song while yer watchin' Dion Agius rip the lip or Julian Wilson doing a 360 !! ROCK CITY PRODUCTIONS BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS - THE FINEST MUSIC ON THE INTERNET 2009 !!!
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