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173,945 Views - Top internet Rockers Greenhouse Effect with 1987's "Number One" which was a song designed around a Phil Keegan Guitar "Dorian" Riff. "I added some vocals and lyrics to that song that really made the whole package into a great musical idea" Says Clark Higgins in 2006. Phil Keegan founded the band in 1985 and today , G.e. has grown into their own web phenomena using music videos and simple advertising. "I make a little bit of money selling music and working in my swimming pool business" Says Clark Higgins in 2006 " ,..but I don't mind a bit to contribute funding to keeping G.e. on the air,..We're popular and people around the world like our music,...our music style is unique and we don't sound like any other band really - except for maybe Rush (Laughs)" - Haggins calls Rush his favorite band and he looks to Alex Lifeson as his main musical influence; "I remember when i was 17,..I would sit and painstakenly learn exactly how to play as many Rush songs on guitar as I could,.....I could play "Spirit Of Radio" and "Freewill" but Hemispheres stuff was much more difficult" Says Higgins. When They put out Signals and Grace Under Pressure,..I remember that I didn't like those as much - they had too many keyboards from Geddy" Says Higgins. Haggans says that he enjoys watching Fox News and listening to talk radio shows like The Michael Savage Show; "Theres nothing else on Tv to watch except Fox,...its all liberal controlled shit everywhere that sucks ,....Fox even sucks too ,..but theres nothing else to watch ,.."Says Higgins "Theres no alternative" - Haggins recently "sold' part of his swimming pool business known as "AAA Abracadabra Pool and Spa" and bought a Large home in San Diego Ca; "People are saying that I bought the home from money that I make on the internet with Greenhouse Effect Music but its not necessarily true - i make some money with G.e. but I mainly make money cleaning Swimming Pools." Haggins has cleaned swimming pools for ten years now, beginning in 1996 with A To Z Pool and Spa in Torrance California, starting as a simple trainee; "Its possible to make good consistent money working on pools,... but my dream is to play music again" says the 41 year old musician Haggins. "I wanna rock again but I just turned 41 and that sucks ,..People say that I'm too old to rock now,...even though i got the biggest hits on the internet." Haggins celebrates the fact that his music video for the G.e. Song "Brandy" just got it's 3,000,000 Video "View" at Youtube after being on the air for one year in June 2006.
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