Friday, January 28, 2011

Addicted - Greenhouse Effect American Music 2011 - Bmi Recordings - Clark Haggins Songs - Myspace Ads.

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436,024 Views - World News Videos 2011 - The Great Songwriting Skills and Stylish Lead Singing Voice of Clark Haggans assure that Los Angeles California Mega-Band Greenhouse Effect is seen on the web more than any other Rock band. Google Adwords and Myspace Advertising are just two of the many ways that G.e. blast to and keep at the very Tops of internet Search Engines always daily. "Addicted" is probably G.e's Best Song and Haggins can blast it around the net with Song Videos and Jango Web Radio Airplay to listener based perfection; "When we get heard in Egypt or Columbia - thats Great !!" Says Haggins for Rock City promotions Boston; "We're a band that is heard in Australia and India,...People know about our band everywhere !! ,... We're Popular with music listeners around the Planet and we aim to keep it this way - forever !!" states an always confident Haggins. Using Google adwords and Web advertising sites like Jumpfly, Haggans can target his audiences to gear them to music fans he wants; "I can get people into the Beatles and Guns n Roses or the Pixies into my music,...I can get people into the Who and Arthur Lee into G.e. - I can target whoever I want" Says Haggins. "G.e. is super well known around the world now,...other rock music bands look to me to help them" Says Haggins "I help quite a few of them get seen so they don't have to tire themselves out so much out there on the road..." - Haggins always makes sure that he saves his top promotion ideas for Greenhouse Effect and their song "Brandy" is a huge hit at internet radios everywhere especially Jango in New York City; "Getting heard on Jango Radio is so important for bands,..I can't stress it enough,....On the internet now ,..G.e. is almost synonymous with Jango ,....bands want to join Jango Radio just 'because' of us,....they want huge world wide exposure - and they know where to get it !!" Says Higgins. Rock City Promotions Boston Massachusetts 2011.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

World News Videos - Greenhouse Songs "Six Feet Under" (1989) - Phil Keegan Guitar #Fender #Seo Bmi Music.

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2,143,046 Views - Youtube Videos 2006. Greenhouse Effect with their classic 1989 Gem of a Song "Six Feet Under" which was a track almost nearly entirely conceived by Guitarist Phil Keegan. Keegan wrote, produced, Sang the Lyrics, and Played the guitar parts on what has now become one of the Biggest ever and most watched Songs of the internet. "With all the great songs from our band, is always very curious to me just how big and important that SFU is..." Says Drummer at the time Clark Haggans. "That track has singlehandedly 'made' G.e. an internet Household word..." Haggins frustrates at the fact of G.e's sheer size on the web and the fact that bands continue to try to steal and use the "Greenhouse Effect" band name moniker; "We're the 'real' Greenhouse Effect,....its a source of HUGE frustration for our band" Says Higgins "We don't want to have to sue people and be all mean and shit ,....We're nice guys but when we see Rap music groups - or People like Asher Roth - using our name,... We get pissed off ,.... We're the Most Watched band in the World ,...we hate to see people gaining fame off our name - People who are lesser musicians who haven't earned it - the way we have,.... We work hard on here daily ,... to get seen and viewed like us , have to have big talent,.. to be linked and connected like we are ,...its really frustrating now all these overseas bands ,..ones in the Uk and Italy and Australia calling themselves 'Greenhouse Effect',...its insulting to us ,...We have trademarked the name now , the USA .." The Asher Roth problem has particularly caused a problem in G.e. search engines ; "When people surf for our music world wide,...they may stumble upon this Asher Roth guy ,..and thats a bummer and a damn shame , makes it really bad because so many people will automatically take Rap and Hip hop as fact music now ,....I don't consider those as "Real Music", me, its just guys in a studio fucking around , ain't real shit , ain't the real deal , need to sing and play real guitars and drums to be real shit !!,...theres no singing in rap ,..they can't sing ,..they have no talent !!" Greenhouse Effect also despise at millions of advertisers and bloggers 'diverting' G.e. traffic over to themselves; "That practice is wrong and it costs our band millions of hits per day ,...We earn all of our web traffic ,..we don't buy it or steal it from others..." Greenhouse Effect date to 1985 in the South bay area of Redondo beach (Los Angeles) Calif where Keegan started the name and Haggins calls the early phase of G.e. the "Inventers" of Grunge rock real; "We were a band that used Black Flag and David Bowie and the Yardbirds to create a whole new sound - and the music industry took it" Says Higgins. In 2008 and then again later in 2010, Youtube deleted Greenhouse Effect Song Video Accounts to the anger of Haggins; "We worked hard,...On that first account, we were one of the earliest bands to build alot of video plays without a record deal ,...We were pioneers and innovators of the web for other bands and Youtube just erased all of our hard work and blogs , was sad , hurts to see your art get crushed and wiped out like that" Says Higgins. "We have just one account left at Youtube right now and we 'still' get pretty good video plays and I don't even promote that site at all - "thats" the power of the music of G.e" Says Higgins. ROCK CITY PROMOTIONS BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS 2011.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Music Videos - Greenhouse Effect Songs Los Angeles Calif. (Redondo Beach Ca) Bmi Music Recordings 2006.

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173,945 Views - Top internet Rockers Greenhouse Effect with 1987's "Number One" which was a song designed around a Phil Keegan Guitar "Dorian" Riff. "I added some vocals and lyrics to that song that really made the whole package into a great musical idea" Says Clark Higgins in 2006. Phil Keegan founded the band in 1985 and today , G.e. has grown into their own web phenomena using music videos and simple advertising. "I make a little bit of money selling music and working in my swimming pool business" Says Clark Higgins in 2006 " ,..but I don't mind a bit to contribute funding to keeping G.e. on the air,..We're popular and people around the world like our music,...our music style is unique and we don't sound like any other band really - except for maybe Rush (Laughs)" - Haggins calls Rush his favorite band and he looks to Alex Lifeson as his main musical influence; "I remember when i was 17,..I would sit and painstakenly learn exactly how to play as many Rush songs on guitar as I could,.....I could play "Spirit Of Radio" and "Freewill" but Hemispheres stuff was much more difficult" Says Higgins. When They put out Signals and Grace Under Pressure,..I remember that I didn't like those as much - they had too many keyboards from Geddy" Says Higgins. Haggans says that he enjoys watching Fox News and listening to talk radio shows like The Michael Savage Show; "Theres nothing else on Tv to watch except Fox,...its all liberal controlled shit everywhere that sucks ,....Fox even sucks too ,..but theres nothing else to watch ,.."Says Higgins "Theres no alternative" - Haggins recently "sold' part of his swimming pool business known as "AAA Abracadabra Pool and Spa" and bought a Large home in San Diego Ca; "People are saying that I bought the home from money that I make on the internet with Greenhouse Effect Music but its not necessarily true - i make some money with G.e. but I mainly make money cleaning Swimming Pools." Haggins has cleaned swimming pools for ten years now, beginning in 1996 with A To Z Pool and Spa in Torrance California, starting as a simple trainee; "Its possible to make good consistent money working on pools,... but my dream is to play music again" says the 41 year old musician Haggins. "I wanna rock again but I just turned 41 and that sucks ,..People say that I'm too old to rock now,...even though i got the biggest hits on the internet." Haggins celebrates the fact that his music video for the G.e. Song "Brandy" just got it's 3,000,000 Video "View" at Youtube after being on the air for one year in June 2006.

Most Viewed Music - Greenhouse Songs Cyber-View - 2011 - Adwords - Bmi Music Recordings 2010.

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2,193,466 Views - Greenhouse Effect Songs @ Google Adwords / Facebook Ads. 2008 / 2009 - "People (That Won't back Down)" - Youtube Videos 2006. ;

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Internet Advertising and The Greenhouse Effect "Theme" Song 2011. Clark Haggans Music

231,945 Views - The Power of internet advertising has made Clark Hagins and the Greenhouse Effect a constantly watched web commodity.  "We don't care about the fake web traffic at Youtube or the phoney Billboard Charts,....We know People are watching G.e. - AND ALWAYS !!" States Higgins. "If people are watchin' Taylor Swift, then they're watchin' G.e. ,...If People are online watching Justin Bieber or Vanessa Hudgens , doesn't matter ,...they're watchin' just as much G.e. too !!,....We have our ways" Says Haggans. The Los Angeles California band hit hard with alot of good solid "songwriting" material and Haggins says that G.e. are always best when cranked up loud; "Sure,....We have ALOT of our critics,....People that say we have only one or two good songs or that "Six Feet Under" is our only good song and shit like that ,....People can say mean hurtful things about us,.... but it only makes us stronger and "drives" us more !!" Greenhouse Effect always rely on their real winner of a track in "Brandy" when things get rough, ...Haggans knows that he can pull out his "Ace in the hole" Song; "Everybody all over the web listens practically "Only" to Jango Radio now - for their music - Jango dominates the scene now and crushes all competition - and we make sure that G.e. is always HUGE in their system." Haggins calls Jango so easy to use that it is a must and an ultimate no brainer for bands in 2011 today; "Everybody around the world so knows Greenhouse Effect mainly because we are so world embedded into Jango Airplay,.....They hear our song "Brandy" in there daily - thousands of people,.... it gets them curious to watch a video or two,..thats for sure,...'throw in some Myspace, Google Adwords, and Facebook ads,..and we got alotta the world by the balls !!!,....other bands will email me ,..practically pleading and begging me to help them and I will ,....but they gotta pay me ,...this fucking shit costs money ,..and I have to devote alot of my time to this internet stuff ,..its very hard work on here....believe me,..its even harder to sell itunes if ya ain't on Tmz n' shit !!" The Web is where Haggins lives as years ago, he used to spend much of his time in aol political post and chat areas but not so much anymore....; "I have my own political blogs where I rant my Tea Party shit ,.... I have alot of very interested and devoted readers,... but I'm over Politics really sort-of ,....I would like to think it was Bloggers like me that helped the Republicans win so big in November 2010,... but they don't come to thank me ,..they just want more donations for their "Ground games",....I just hope that conservatives remember angry profane muddy guys like me who did their dirty work in 2010 ,...but they just leave and say 'audios" Haggins says that he really 'means' every word he blogs; "I listen to Michael Savage and I think my talk radio skills destroy everybody - except for his,.... Michael Savage is truly talented and he is brutal real anger ,....he is 'as angry and hateful and hurtful" as I am." Hagins says that Savage has been the "Inspiration" for his Greenhouse Effect Music quest ; "Without Michael Savage,..there wouldn't be a G.e. ,...he totally changed me ,....he completely inspired me to return to rock n roll." - Jango Radio Airplay seems to love Greenhouse Effect music like "White Black Thang" and "22nd Street" and Haggins sees no end in sight and almost no reason to get played on American Fm Radio or chart on Billboard; "I could pay out the big money and get onto all that shit and be on Tmz and E Channel ,..but whats the point ?? ,...I'd rather be more legit and i am ,...we got real fans that like our shit and eat it up at places like Pandora and Jango,......Nobody really listens to Kroq anymore anyway  ,..they have low ratings now ,...Our music Network is way bigger than them now - but on the web !! and the web is where EVERYBODY IS NOW,....Places like BlipTv, Vimeo, Mefeedia, and Vodpod Dominate the action now ,...and theres this new one called Funky Tv Video thats really good and legit ,..they're awesome,... but its a bummer about Guba Video." Guba Video was a site where G.e. had Number One videos and Haggins laments at it's passing from cyberspace; "I really loved Guba , day when I went there,..all it said was "So Long,...Thanks for all the Fish." (Laughs) - Rock City Entertainment - Worchester Massachusetts. Video from everywhere!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Popular Music Videos 2010 / Greenhouse Effect "White Black Thang" 2010 Bmi Music Videos. Rock City Boston Ma. Video from everywhere!

Zeus1000-internet-Marketing #Links Xm #Jango #itunes #Seo

Allison Dubois Song 2010 ( Greenhouse Effect's Misogynistia - Shes A Bitch.....And Then You Live). Rock City Music Boston (Bmi).
Zeus1000-internet-Marketing #Links XXj #Jango #itunes #Seo
Zeus1000-internet-Marketing #Links XXj #Jango #itunes #Seo
2,134,046 Views - Popular Tubehome Top Videos 2008 - The Greenhouse Effect Music Google Videos (Los Angeles Redondo Beach Ca.) Most Views. - Greenhouse Effect From Redondo beach Calif. The band that does the "Allison DuBois" Song and "Brandy" actually took off HUGE in 2005 with "Black Or White Song", A Clark Haggans Songwriting Gem. Net Dominant Videos and Top Tens are G.e's Domain and Clark haggans already sees massive web traffic early in 2011 for the Net's Most Watched band. "I Like a band called Semi Sweet that I discovered out of Orange County" Says Media Mogul Haggins. "They have a New Retro Grunge Sound that very much reminds me of Courtney love and Hole circa 95'.... Video from everywhere!

Tubehome Top Videos 2008 - The Greenhouse Effect Music Google Videos (Los Angeles Redondo Beach Ca.) Most Views.

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1,243,336 Views - Google Music Video - The Hermosa Saloon Classic Footage Of Rock's "Real" Original Grunge Band; Redondo Beach California's Greenhouse Effect as seen in Flipside and Bam Magazines. In 2007, The band exploded to Number One Video at Google Music Video and stayed in the Top Position for Over One whole straight week. In early 2008, they returned to the Tops of the charts with "Brandy" netting the band some four million views and Landing them Number One on the internet for nearly One month !! The - 2,134,046 Views - Popular Tubehome Top Videos 2008 - The Greenhouse Effect Music Google Videos (Los Angeles Redondo Beach Ca.) Most Views. - Greenhouse Effect From Redondo beach Calif. The band that does the "Allison DuBois" Song and "Brandy" actually took off HUGE in 2005 with "Black Or White Song", A Clark Haggans Songwriting Gem. Net Dominant Videos and Top Tens are G.e's Domain and Clark haggans already sees massive web traffic early in 2011 for the Net's Most Watched band. "I Like a band called Semi Sweet that I discovered out of Orange County" Says Media Mogul Haggins. "They have a New Retro Grunge Sound that very much reminds me of Courtney love and Hole circa 95'....

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Black Or White Song { The Greenhouse Effect } Los Angeles' Best Music 2007 World Wide Videos Bmi Nashville Music.

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1,284,945 Views - Youtube Video 2006 for One of the finer songs By L.A. Three Piece Greenhouse Effect fronted by Guitarist Clark Higgins. Higgins used to play with the Jim Mellon Quartet as well as some 13 other South Bay {Redondo Beach Ca} Bands. One of the South Bay's Most Respected Drummers, Higgins also proves that he can play the 6 String instrument with the best of them. "The White Black Song" is the benchmark for South Bay Music online as it is the communities' Most Viewed and Downloaded Song. Also k

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Tubehome Top Videos 2008 - The Greenhouse Effect Music Google Videos (Los Angeles Redondo Beach Ca.) Most Views.

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1,243,336 Views - Google Music Video - The Hermosa Saloon Classic Footage Of Rock's "Real" Original Grunge Band; Redondo Beach California's Greenhouse Effect as seen in Flipside and Bam Magazines. In 2007, The band exploded to Number One Video at Google Music Video and stayed in the Top Position for Over One whole straight week. In early 2008, they returned to the Tops of the charts with "Brandy" netting the band some four million views and Landing them Number One on the internet for nearly One month !! The

Tubehome Top Videos 2008 - The Greenhouse Effect Music Google Videos (Los Angeles Redondo Beach Ca.) Most Views. Video from everywhere!

1,243,336 Views - Google Music Video - The Hermosa Saloon Classic Footage Of Rock's "Real" Original Grunge Band; Redondo Beach California's Greenhouse Effect as seen in Flipside and Bam Magazines. In 2007, The band exploded to Number One Video at Google Music Video and stayed in the Top Position for Over One whole straight week. In early 2008, they returned to the Tops of the charts with "Brandy" netting the band some four million views and Landing them Number One on the internet for nearly One month !! The Band's Early Youtube account "showed the way" for other bands to come later as in 2006, "Brandy" crested some three Million Youtube Viral Views / Russian; 1243336 Просмотров - Google Music Video - Хермоса Салон Classic кадры из "Реала " Рок Первоначальное гранж-группы; Парниковый эффект Редондо-Бич в Калифорнии, как показано на Flipside и Бам журналы. В 2007 году группа взорвалась на номер один в Google Video Music Video и остался на верхней позиции в течение более одного целого неделю подряд. В начале 2008 года они вернулись на вершины хит-парадов с "Бренди" сетки полоса около четырех миллионов просмотров и посадку них номер один на интернет почти месяц! Раннее группы аккаунт YouTube "показали путь" для других групп, чтобы позже, как в 2006 году, "Бренди" хохлатая около трех миллионов Youtube Вирусный Просмотров / 1243336 Просмотров - Google Music Video - Хермоса Салон Classic кадры из "Реала " Рок Первоначальное гранж-группы; Парниковый эффект Редондо-Бич в Калифорнии, как показано на Flipside и Бам журналы. В 2007 году группа взорвалась на номер один в Google Video Music Video и остался на верхней позиции в течение более одного целого неделю подряд. В начале 2008 года они вернулись на вершины хит-парадов с "Бренди" сетки полоса около четырех миллионов просмотров и посадку них номер один на интернет почти месяц! Раннее группы аккаунт YouTube "показали путь" для других групп, чтобы позже, как в 2006 году, "Бренди" хохлатая около трех миллионов Youtube Вирусный Просмотров /