1st collector for Clark Haggins / Greenhouse Effect Music 2006 / ...
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323,936 Views - "I Dare anybody or any other band to keep up with me and G.e. on the web" So Says Clark Higgins of Redondo Beach internet Super band Greenhouse Effect; "People watch us and download our shit 'cause we're Good,... Good Good GOOD INDEED !" - Greenhouse Effect Lock onto cyberspace with Melodic songs, controversial songs, and just flat out great material everywhere and Rock City Production's Jeff Snowe out of Worchester Massachusetts calls Haggans Emo indie Rock's ultimate Quadruple threat; "A Voice like David Bowie - But better than David Bowie himself, A Great Guitarist and Songwriter, and the best drummer in Los Angeles,....this guy can do it all,....'THATS' WHY People watch G.e. " Says Snowe. Haggans points out that G.e. is much more than the talent of Hagins himself; "We had Phil Keegan in the band and he is one of the most respected and best guitarists on the internet,.... and these days, the NET.....IS ALL PEOPLE care about anymore ,...We've also got "entertainment value' that goes along way with silly guys Like Bassist Rick Carmody,.... A hell of alot of people around the World will watch G.e. just for him alone ,...never mind the fact what a Great bassist he is ,...and Great People like Martin Silva on drums and Greg Tarpley,.....We knew how to entertain crowds !! We were way ahead of our time and we're 'STILL' ahead of our time,... We're ahead of all the rest of other bands ,... We don't give a shit about nothin' ,.... We just wanna rock ,...and we hella' enjoy being seen all over the net ..." // GREENHOUSE EFFECT'S Songwriting collection is LONG AND VAST; Some 93 Songs including some of the Most watched in cyberspace ("Brandy") and Heard at Jango Radio World Wide ("White Black Thang", Star, Ben is Dead); "We write tons of good material that works perfectly on the web ,.... We get our audience every night .." Says Haggans in 2007; "We are the Music on the web ,.... Record Labels want to copy The Mighty G.e. !!" When things get slow - and they rarely do - Haggins and Snowe can blast the net with Google Adwords and other tricky web ways of advertising and when things get cooking exciting big, Higgins is always right there to Capitalize; "We make money on the web and other bands want to figure out how we do it,..... We don't waste time playing gigs ,...thats a joke ,..we get our shit right to the very tops of search engines every night ,...More People will watch us that way ,... More people know about us than they know of most signed bands ,... We're the kings of Google" extolls Higgins. 2006 was a Monster Web year for G.e. as the band exploded huge with Youtube with tracks like "Brandy", People....That won't back down, Shes A Bitch (Misogynistia), God's Joke, NUmber One, Coke Snorting, Five Years, White Suburban Liars, and "No Takers" ; "We're exciting weird rock,...we don't sound like anybody else,...thats the allure" Says Higgins. Rock City Productions / Worchester Massachusetts. 2006. Greenhouse Effect are consistent as they wipe out other band's traffic and shorten careers of other artists; "We're better" Says Haggins; "We're flat out talented rock,...Good ol' fashioned 70's rock,....Like the New York Dolls n shit,... We know how to play our instruments ,..most groups today can't sing a note and they got record deals ,..they suck..."
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