Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Greenhouse Effect Song Lyrics "White Black" 1991 - Clark Hagins Music Bmi Recordings Nashville. Rock City Records.

798,491 Views - Youtube Video for Greenhouse Effect and 1991's "White Black Thang." Greenhouse Effect is known on the Web for Great Songwriting and "White Black" is clearly a killer Anthem for the LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA Three Man Band. The Original idea for this song was conceived in 1989 as Clark Haggins sought out "attention grabber" types of short three and a half minute song ideas. "When I first heard "White Black" at my garage at 251, I knew it was just one of the catchiest and biggest songs that I was ever gonna write,....I immediately remember that I called up Our guitarist Phil Keegan and I told him that I thought that I had a great little idea for a new song to which he retorted; "I write the guitar parts,...I write the songs,...You stick to the Lyrics" and thus the idea was never really worked on,..except maybe on the side by me and Ted,..'One night while drinking, I did play the Demo of the idea for Flipper and he said it was "silly" and that it sounded like the Monkees and maybe Mickey Dolenz (Laughs),...He also said that the idea was "Childish" and "immature Sounding", was exactly this type of talk around the South bay that really made me give up on my songwriting and give up on myself,...and often,..I didn't even 'KNOW' that I was doing it,....I would just have a buncha beers and Laugh things off,..pretty soon, didn't even phase me that people were actually always disrespecting me and laughing at me,.... alcohol was definitely something that I would turn to - to cover things up ,..and get so plastered that I forgot that most people thought that I was a joke and a piece of shit,.....when I got sober, later on in 95', really opened my eyes and i began to see some light,...One of the best moves I immediately made was I quit hanging out with California People - they're a buncha douchebag Liberals anyway,..fuck em" Haggins says that 'retreating into his own world' was never a bad idea in California; "The People here are so corrupt and they're so evil,.....I want nothing to do with most of them." The Song idea for "White Black" is the apex Zenith of what Clark Hagins Songwriting was all about where choruses are big and driven along with tight large guitars and big melody and sensing that he was onto a whole new thing, Haggins began to present himself to labels both indie and major as a potential "Songwriter" for a staff but while maintaining that he is "In Greenhouse Effect" first and foremost; "I remember that one of the earliest people to hear my accoustic demo for 'White Black' in 1990 was a guy named Larry Coven from Electra Records and he was like "Woe,...what the hell is that ???". Geffen and Capital Emi Records also showed some interest but the biggest interest in "White Black" came from a guy named Craig Aaronson who inquired that he would "Like to come see the band live." "When I finally got a chance to record "White Black" in April and May of 91',....and People heard the whole anthemic way that this song went,...People were blown away,...Studio Engineer Bill Krodel realised the potential for the song immediately and he made sure to make that record sound HUGE" remembers Haggins. "We tried to play 'White Black' with Greg Tarpley and Marty Silva on drums but we were way too into our standardized live set of new material at the time like "Ben is Dead" and "Star" from 'Going Legit",..and "White Black" got relegated to a backburner, I remember that Ted just thought that the song was dumb,.....he remembered what Flipper had said about it,...So i was kind-of unconfident with it, became a really big important song for us in 1992 when Palle Carlson was then in the band on drums,...and then we filmed those videos (Laughs),...but then, thats when Ted left the band for good."

Greenhouse Effect Song Lyrics "White Black" 199..., posted with vodpod

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