Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Hallows Eve From G.e.; Enjoy the Tight Jazz fusion drumming in "The Ballad" - it'l Rock YOU !

Happy Hallows Eve From G.e.; Enjoy the Tight Jazz fusion drumming in "The Ballad" - it'l Rock YOU !  

Happy Hallows Eve From G.e.; Enjoy the Tight Jazz fusion drumming in "The Ballad" - it'l Rock YOU !

Greenhouse Effect Songs "The Ballad Of...." (1992) The Rock Opera "White Suburban Liars" Bmi Music.

46,026 Views - From the 1992 "Agenda" Cd Comes One Of Greenhouse Effect's Most Effective Classic Masterpiece Songs "The Ballad Of Kurt Cobain." At the time of this track's recording (June 1992), Nirvana-Mania was at a Fever Pitch and a Bitter Clark Haggins couldn't Get his music noticed (Except By Bam Magazine and a few others) enough at a high level; "At the time that these four Songs were recorded,..those being "No Takers", Search & Destroy,,.."People (That Won't back down)", and THE BALLAD (This track),..., G.e. was dissolving,...there really was no band, was mainly just me,..Ted had joined the One Handed Readers in Redondo Beach,...some of those dudes were like his inline Roller Hockey buddies,...Just me and Drummer Palle Carlson were barely holding G.e. together- but I played and over-dubbed EVERYTHING on this one - believe it or not,.. money was tight and studio time had to be optimized , was a bummer, far as live concerts were concerned - things were pretty much DOA ,...but in the studio - in the summer of 1992,..things were still magical !!!" 'THE BALLAD' as it is known is a remarkable Greenhouse Effect Musical mini-journey as it collides Rush "Natural Science" with 1960's and 70's Sounding jangly pop; "I have heard people say that they can hear that "Bright ,..bright,..Sun Shiney Day" Song within this song (Laughs)" Says Clark Higgins. "It really is a nice quirky sounding song,....and I love the "Prog Rock" mockery in it,....I really tried to make it sound like 'Captain beyond' and it fails miserably in an excellent way."

Greenhouse Effect Songs "The Ballad Of...." (19..., posted with vodpod

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Adwords - Greenhouse-Effect.Song 'People (That Won't Back Down)' 1992 // BMI Music Nashville. Rock City Music.

Adwords - Greenhouse-Effect.Song 'People (That Won't Back Down)' 1992 // BMI Music Nashville. Rock City Music.

Adwords - Greenhouse-Effect.Song 'People (That ..., posted with vodpod

Adwords - Greenhouse-Effect-Song 'People (That Won't Back Down)' 1992 // BMI Music Nashville. Rock City Music.

231,196 Views - Youtube Video for Greenhouse Effect Classic Song "People (That Won't back Down)' and One of Clark Haggans favorite Songs by G.E. "It's very easy for G.e. to get alot of web traffic because we got such great material,....and it's so nice to see how we have influenced thousands of bands to get up off their asses and do things on the web by themselves, avoiding record Labels who are so corrupt." Greenhouse Effect have basically been the barometer for all other bands who have gone to the web as they have been pioneering  cyberspace since about 2000 and 2001; "Since the days of 911, I have been here,...figuring out different ways to promote my music, the early days long ago, was all about bands like Red Delicious at and I really studied how they promoted themselves with the web,....then later, I got into the Reverse Engineers from Florida and I carefully watched how they hyped themselves all over the Net,....other bands were a big affect for me, got me moving,....those other bands really got me motivated." Says Haggans who blogs virtually every night; "I got nothing better to do,....I have few friends and rarely does anybody call me - it's just like 20 years ago all over again,.....but now recently suddenly, tons of people are emailing me and basically telling me how they love my music (And that how they have ALWAYS liked it??)(Laughs),....well, thats news to me" Says Haggins. "I guess when people see that one has stumbled upon success,..that they quickly get on the ol' bandwagon and quick - if ya know what I mean !! I think the funniest Fucking thing though by far concerning G.e. is how I do practically ALL of this shit and all by my lonesome self - Nobody ever offers me any help,...and Thank God; No advice either,...I guess they all think i know what I'm doing on here (Laughs) ,...I really don't,.....I'm stabbing in the dark Like everybody else,....I see how the Brian Jonestown Massacre has found Great success (Just like me) at Places like Vodpod." Haggans says that really little has technically changed since he last left music in November of 1992; "People Laughed at me and said that I was a joke then and I'm sure that they do now too as well,.....I'm not a popular person i guess in my ol' hometowns of Redondo Beach and Torrance Ca (The "South Bay"),....but I soon discovered when i moved to Carlsbad and Oceanside (North County San Diego) that I ain't a hit with people here either (Laughs),.....I've found that it seems that every where I go that everyone around me always puts on this impression at me that "They know more than me - and about EVERYTHING TOO" and that "I'm a little guy who doesn't know what he's doing,.....I guess they're all fuckin' geniuses ,..maybe I should listen to them,..(Laughs),.....I guess that they know more about music and being a rock star than i know.....And they all know More apparently about Swimming Pools too (Laughs)" Haggins says that a key main driving force behind his quest to always be at the top of the internet is that he remembers how people treated him back in the South Bay; "In the South Bay,...other bands - and douchebag people in general - would often 'show up' at my gigs, trying to 'disrupt' them ,..and thus there was always this 'attempt' by people there to make me look bad,, it was really fuckin' weird shit to go through,....and before I was ever in a band or giving out my tapes to people,.....I just remember the People in Torrance were like these real stuck up fucking Douchebags,...really nasty pointless Liberal people who have to try to smear others who have more talent and better ideas than they have,.....I had it real rough,...everyone picked on me and nobody took me serious,....and looking back now,...if one really took the time,..and 'knew' my type of musical and artistic talent,....I wasn't a guy to be treated like a schmuck at all,...I passed out my tapes to people,....and they often threw my music right into the trash can,.....and thats THE REALITY - IT'S A REAL TRAGEDY,...." HAGINS says that being a really short and skinny "little guy" did not help matters at all; "I always looked to Wayne 
Gretzky because he was rather smallish but he had big talent - i wanted to be like that." Haggans says that his Oppressive brother Doug was - unbeknownst to him at first - an apparent driving force in Haggins' musical ambitions early on; "I had something to prove,..and music was my thing,....the fact that I played and over-dubbed all of my own instruments i think was a key factor,...I became kind-of a narcisist megalomaniac ,....I wanted to do it all and I remember how the Sound Studio engineers were amazed - Yes,...I had to do it all,...and I knew that I could." Haggans says that he was probobly 'the least' popular member of his family growing up; "Today,....People all over the web and in many countries - they know about me,....they don't know who my family members are,....but there are people in my family with great artistic talent, Dad and My sister Kathy who Both have passed away,....if I can ever make it to Tv fame or Get on Fox News (Fuck CNN),....I hope I can expose my Dad's great writings and My Sister's Great paintings,.... Me ?? I just love to write now,... my musical days are over,....but I have seen the way that I have influenced people all over the net with blogging,.....People want to be Like me,....I can't ask for much more than that."

Friday, October 29, 2010

Adwords - Greenhouse-Effect-Songs 'People (That Won't Back Down)' 1992 // BMI Music Nashville. Rock City Music.

LOS ANGELES (BMI) songwriting effetto serra, la musica (Los Angeles) ... Una delle top band su Myspace, emozione effetto serra uso, il dolore e l'esperienza di vita per costruire il loro melodic hard canzoni indie rock, guardate questa band è nulla di simile il loro sound ... se hai visto uno dei loro 93 video da qualche parte su internet, quello che si può .. ecco, è una band come stolto e sciocco, cercando come Weezer o Cake. Per quanto distante come Beck o Pavement, ma con primi anni del 1990 il potere degli Helmet, Nirvana, e Wilco. suono 'classic rock' è quello che G.e. scava soprattutto nel però, ... echoeing torna a gruppi come 'The Last' e "Masters of Reality'.... a volte Ge suona quasi come Elton John, ma questo è molto autentico sentire rock anni 1970, .. non è tutto vestito per oggi, come dire BenFoldsfive è o gli Strokes .... Ge è autentico rock vecchia scuola 'di ieri' "thats perché siamo stati tutti sollevati negli anni '70", dice Higgins Clark, 43 "Siamo cresciuti in un tempo con il Chi, Zeppelin, Beatles e l'album bianco "tag; SST Records, registra arcobaleno, Hermosa Beach, robot zues, quartetto mellon, amico Groovey joe, tenticles alternative personale cordiale, Berkely punk rock, Ben è morto, via Gillman, l'anti- club, Calif Torrance, Lynskey Glen, chitarra Peavey, Ibanez, eroe della chitarra, batteria tama, Mefeedia, porno, Truveo, video Mashable, vodpod, asterpix, Technorati, musica wikipedia, Greg Ginn, Keegan Phil, l'uso di marijuana, Carmody rick, hermosa salone

Adwords - Greenhouse-Effect-Songs 'People (That..., posted with vodpod

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Adwords '22nd Street' The Greenhouse Effect Songs (Music) - Bmi Recordings Nashville Clark-Higgins-Music

366,993 Views - Greenhouse Effect OWN The Web. And they own it lock, Stock, and Barrel ! More People Watch G.e. daily around the World than they watch Practically anything else - And this magnificent band with the seemingly endless collection of Great songs does not hesitate to "Entertain" their devoted Flock. Strong Musical material and Great Lead Singing easily marks G.e; Star, Ben is Dead, Brandy, Coke Snorting, White Black, Five Years, The Magic Man, It Ain't Easy, and much much more come from the well hyped Group out of Boston Massachusetts Rock City Record Label !! "We are clearly the New Nirvana Of the Web" Says Band Guitarist Clark Hagins; "We're fun to watch, ...We're Hillarious,...We're the Earth's House Band ,..but we can write one damn good mean Pop Song too,.....Our Songs are as silly as our band - and our band is just as silly as our songs,'s an internet marriage made in Rock n Roll hell !!" Funny Looking Red Haired Bassist Rick Carmody can easily get you Laughing and all by himself and the irony that he is a member of what is likely Earth's Most Watched band cannot escape you. Energetic Drummer / Singer / Guitar Wizard Clark Hagins seems to never lose his energy ( Just like the energizer bunny) and the hillarity of G.e. simply puts other humorless bands to shame in cyberspace. "Hopefully,..we will always be here to rock people,..and maybe, we'll make a new album soon" says Higgins. ;

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Greenhouse Effect Songs 'The Magic Man' 1987 BMI Music Publishing Rock City Records Long Ago Ltd.

322,281 Views - The Magic Man. Long ago, the Greenhouse Effect spent long studio hours rehearsing, played epic Live gigs, and recorded the best shit possible under their "circumstances." "We were a band with an "us" against "All of them" mentality " Says Clark Haggans in 2007 at Google. Greenhouse Effect were a three piece band with an energetic Drummer/ Lead Vocalist maniac anchoring a band with possibly Southern California's best and Most innovative of Guitarists in Phillip Keegan - and Rock's most odd spectacle in Red head Bassist_Rick Carmody; "Everything about G.e. was unconventional and unorthodox back in the day,...but 'thats' all what makes us the biggest band on the internet today" Says Haggans. The band would convert from the underground psychedelic garage blues of the Keegan Days into a more emo and punk rock band that would perform tracks like "Star" and "Ben is dead" before going almost full blown garage bubble-gum metal mortal pop with the silly but lovable web hits "White Black Thang" and "Brandy" (Two tracks from 1991),....before dissolving unceremoniously in November 1992. "Greenhouse Effect are pure entertainors who know exactly how to entertain - thats what we do on the web" Says Haggins. "We write catchy songs that chicks like,.....We're certainly 'not' a dudes band."

Greenhouse Effect Songs 'The Magic Man' 1987 BM..., posted with vodpod

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Greenhouse Effect Songs "Coke Snorting" May 1990 - Bmi Music Nashville - Phil Keegan Guitar Rock City Recordings.

211,185 Views - Greenhouse Effect Hit the Net Hard with "Coke Snorting." This 'Phil Keegan Guitar era" Song is a G.e. Classic all the Way. This Long drawn out Jam fest is actually a psychedelic prog rock free for all as it is narrated by some Great Clark Hagins Singing and Lyrics. The bass of Rick Carmody locks this tight track together for this strong three piece band as Clark Haggins also served as the drummer at the time, pounding away some fine technical beats with interlocked snair drum and kick work ala Lars Ulrich. ;"You are hated here - So you have to conform - to the drunken rat race - nobody knows your real face" start out the lyrics of one of G.e's Greatest long heavy anthems.

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Greenhouse Effect Song Lyrics "White Black" 1991 - Clark Hagins Music Bmi Recordings Nashville. Rock City Records.

798,491 Views - Youtube Video for Greenhouse Effect and 1991's "White Black Thang." Greenhouse Effect is known on the Web for Great Songwriting and "White Black" is clearly a killer Anthem for the LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA Three Man Band. The Original idea for this song was conceived in 1989 as Clark Haggins sought out "attention grabber" types of short three and a half minute song ideas. "When I first heard "White Black" at my garage at 251, I knew it was just one of the catchiest and biggest songs that I was ever gonna write,....I immediately remember that I called up Our guitarist Phil Keegan and I told him that I thought that I had a great little idea for a new song to which he retorted; "I write the guitar parts,...I write the songs,...You stick to the Lyrics" and thus the idea was never really worked on,..except maybe on the side by me and Ted,..'One night while drinking, I did play the Demo of the idea for Flipper and he said it was "silly" and that it sounded like the Monkees and maybe Mickey Dolenz (Laughs),...He also said that the idea was "Childish" and "immature Sounding", was exactly this type of talk around the South bay that really made me give up on my songwriting and give up on myself,...and often,..I didn't even 'KNOW' that I was doing it,....I would just have a buncha beers and Laugh things off,..pretty soon, didn't even phase me that people were actually always disrespecting me and laughing at me,.... alcohol was definitely something that I would turn to - to cover things up ,..and get so plastered that I forgot that most people thought that I was a joke and a piece of shit,.....when I got sober, later on in 95', really opened my eyes and i began to see some light,...One of the best moves I immediately made was I quit hanging out with California People - they're a buncha douchebag Liberals anyway,..fuck em" Haggins says that 'retreating into his own world' was never a bad idea in California; "The People here are so corrupt and they're so evil,.....I want nothing to do with most of them." The Song idea for "White Black" is the apex Zenith of what Clark Hagins Songwriting was all about where choruses are big and driven along with tight large guitars and big melody and sensing that he was onto a whole new thing, Haggins began to present himself to labels both indie and major as a potential "Songwriter" for a staff but while maintaining that he is "In Greenhouse Effect" first and foremost; "I remember that one of the earliest people to hear my accoustic demo for 'White Black' in 1990 was a guy named Larry Coven from Electra Records and he was like "Woe,...what the hell is that ???". Geffen and Capital Emi Records also showed some interest but the biggest interest in "White Black" came from a guy named Craig Aaronson who inquired that he would "Like to come see the band live." "When I finally got a chance to record "White Black" in April and May of 91',....and People heard the whole anthemic way that this song went,...People were blown away,...Studio Engineer Bill Krodel realised the potential for the song immediately and he made sure to make that record sound HUGE" remembers Haggins. "We tried to play 'White Black' with Greg Tarpley and Marty Silva on drums but we were way too into our standardized live set of new material at the time like "Ben is Dead" and "Star" from 'Going Legit",..and "White Black" got relegated to a backburner, I remember that Ted just thought that the song was dumb,.....he remembered what Flipper had said about it,...So i was kind-of unconfident with it, became a really big important song for us in 1992 when Palle Carlson was then in the band on drums,...and then we filmed those videos (Laughs),...but then, thats when Ted left the band for good."

Greenhouse Effect Song Lyrics "White Black" 199..., posted with vodpod

Most Watched Band Videos // Greenhouse Effect Lyrics Songs "Addicted" // 1992 - BMI Music Clark-Hagins.

Most Watched Band Videos // Greenhouse Effect Lyrics Songs "Addicted" // 1992 - BMI Music Clark-Hagins.

324,047 Views - Google Video for the Great Greenhouse Effect Song "Addicted" from August 1992. "Addicted" has become an important song of cyberspace for the Los Angeles Band. Three important Tracks were recorded in an August 1992 Recording session at El Segundo California's Jet City Sound Studio with Clark Hagins recording ALL of the instruments and Sound Engineer Bill Krodel at the recording console; "Bill Krodel patiently observed the way that I recorded which was so unorthodox,...where first, I would lay down the drum tracks and then add all the other stuff bit by bit later,....all those backing vocals that I did for "Addicted" were very tedious and careful - very tiresome for Krodel to sit there and painstakenly record every piece,...but in the end, it was worth it,..because "Addicted" is just such a classic." 'Addicted' is an accoustic guitar driven late 1960's Sounding masterpiece that is almost as if David Bowie meeting The Turtles and The Who and songs like "Meloncholia". "I had never heard that song by the Who,..and infact NOBODY ever had heard it,..because somehow it was never released until that 1994 Who Anthology." Says Haggins in 2008. "Misogynistia" and the Epic "Five Years" were recorded the very same day along with 'Addicted' and Haggins often points out the stunning differences in the three songs; "Five years' sounds like the Rolling Stones ,...where as "Addicted" is Bowie and Misogynistia is like 1968 Who meets like David Cassidy ??,....We definitely have a 1970's bengt" Says Haggins.

324,047 Views - Google Video for the Great Greenhouse Effect Song "Addicted" from August 1992. "Addicted" has become an important song of cyberspace for the Los Angeles Band. Three important Tracks were recorded in an August 1992 Recording session at El Segundo California's Jet City Sound Studio with Clark Hagins recording ALL of the instruments and Sound Engineer Bill Krodel at the recording console; "Bill Krodel patiently observed the way that I recorded which was so unorthodox,...where first, I would lay down the drum tracks and then add all the other stuff bit by bit later,....all those backing vocals that I did for "Addicted" were very tedious and careful - very tiresome for Krodel to sit there and painstakenly record every piece,...but in the end, it was worth it,..because "Addicted" is just such a classic." 'Addicted' is an accoustic guitar driven late 1960's Sounding masterpiece that is almost as if David Bowie meeting The Turtles and The Who and songs like "Meloncholia". "I had never heard that song by the Who,..and infact NOBODY ever had heard it,..because somehow it was never released until that 1994 Who Anthology." Says Haggins in 2008. "Misogynistia" and the Epic "Five Years" were recorded the very same day along with 'Addicted' and Haggins often points out the stunning differences in the three songs; "Five years' sounds like the Rolling Stones ,...where as "Addicted" is Bowie and Misogynistia is like 1968 Who meets like David Cassidy ??,....We definitely have a 1970's bengt" Says Haggins.

Seo - - #Jango = #itunes - #Seo = Greenhouse_Songs - #Marketing #Web!

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Monday, October 25, 2010

Adwords '22nd Street' Greenhouse Effect Songs (Music) - Bmi Recordings Nashville Clark-Higgins-Music

253,947 Views - "22nd Street". This Song has been a tremendous asset to the Great Collection of Music By Los Angeles California's Mega-internet band GREENHOUSE EFFECT. This spacey song is also quite Emo and 1980's-like and it is quite an interesting masterpiece from the same band that performs cyberspace standards "Brandy" and "Misogynistia" all over the web. The U2 meets The Cure meets Morrisey arrangement is totally different from other G.e. material all together. "We're a band that is well known for the Guns n Roses like track "White Black Thang" and lots of heavy metal or "grunge' like music,...."22nd" stands out quite strangely for us,...and it's a classic" Says Clark Higgins. The trippy effects laiden guitar break downs in the song were dreamed up by Haggins and Producer Andrew "Dice" Houston back in the South bay's 'Accessive Light and Sound Studio' in Harbor City California. The two studio rats twiddled knobs to alternative rock perfection to make this track the real winner that it is on the net today !! And the "South bay" Band reaps all the benefits of their collections of all their great songs to the hilt; "We're a small three piece band from Redondo beach and Torrance California who has really hit the big time on the web" Says Clark Haggans in 2006. "We have people from all around the World who intently follow our music and my blogs." Haggins says that he grew up in Torrance California enjoying old records from Harry Nilsson, Ringo Starr, the Pretty Things, and the Who; "For me,..the Pretty Things S.F. Sorrow ,...was the biggest influence on me to be some kinda rock star eventually,....I always knew it would happen,...I got good songs,...I knew that I could get alotta people into my shit sooner or later."

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lyrics - Greenhouse Effect Lyrics "Yuribawb" (1992) - The 'Fountain 'Weird'" CD - BMI Music Nashville

186,294 Views - Youtube Video for the October 1992 Greenhouse Effect Classic Of Emo "Yuribawb". One of the absolute Last Songs recorded by One of Los Angeles California's All Time Remarkable Bands. Today in 2007, G.e. Songs have made a dramatic Monster Comeback on the Web!! The Band uses their Myspace Account and their 20,000 Myspace Friends to generate Top Video plays for their Online Music !! "Yuribawb is one of our better songs and it is a real performer at Myspace" Blogs Clark Higgins for Rock City Productions Boston. A 1994 'Greatest hits Cd simply known as "Fountain" had this track listed as "Irie Bob" as track two on the album just right after the brilliant opener "Addicted". The two Songs work extremely well for Greenhouse Effect in cyberspace and Haggins says that the "Irie Bob" moniker has stuck and been applied world wide by fans despite his objections; "I am very much Anti-marijuana,.....and it is unfortunate that fans have un-earthed old G.e. Gig flyers showing where we used Marijuana imagery to promote concerts,....Pot is something that I am very much against and frown upon - it is a gateway drug that leaves people useless and unconstructive,......if we ever used Pot as a promotional tool back in the day ,..well that was just the pangs of Youth and South bay Culture long long ago where EVERYBODY (Including Me) smoked Pot, was just a way of life, was a part of life in Redondo beach and Torrance California, is 'THE' Community where Greg Ginn and Petibon and Black Flag are from, is the community where the movies "The Stoned Age" and "Fast Times" are based on,.....the South bay is where G.e. is from and I cannot change that,......We're a buncha fucking Losers ,...and thats just the way it is"....... Haggins spent much time long ago throwing his own defacto "Benefit Concerts" with bands like FYP and the White Kapz and others; "We never played a show with Pennywise,...they weren't even really around yet when we were around,....We were just about to play a Fearless Records Gig with them but our band broke up in 92' when Ted (Bassist Rick Carmody) left our group to join THE ONE HANDED READERS,....that was unfortunate, 92', everything was exploding - but 'thats' right where G.e. got out of the business,....I probobly 'should' have pursued those relationships in music with people like Bob Becker and Mark Theodore more,...but all that Nirvana getting big on MTV thing just killed my spirit,....after 92',..I just didn't wanna play anymore, felt just like G.E. was 'meant' to be huge,...but then the rug just suddenly got pulled out from under us at the very Last minute - and 'thats' been the Story of all my life." ;

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E-Music G.e. & The Rock Opera Will Hit You With Tight Tracks ! Zeus1000.internet-marketing - !!

E-Music G.e. & The Rock Opera Will Hit You With Tight Tracks ! Zeus1000.internet-marketing - !!  
E-Music G.e. & The Rock Opera Will Hit You With Tight Tracks ! Zeus1000.internet-marketing - !!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Adwords Greenhouse Effect Songs "Star" The Classics ! Most Watched Videos - BMI Music 2009.

366,936 Views - Youtube Video For One Of the Earth's Most Watched (And Downloaded) Rock Bands! GREENHOUSE EFFECT Hit the Web Hard with a Ton of Great Songs and None of them Can Rock much better than "Star", A Long and drawn out Classic thriller !! Cyberspace's Most Watched Group get by with a lethal combination of great hooks and Google Adwords and 'THAT' Totally unique Catchy Sound that Leaves G.E. Sounding like No other band at all INDEED !! "When You hear a Greenhouse Effect Song,....You know almost istantly that there is only ONE BAND that Sounds like that" Says Clark Higgins in March of 2008; "We build emotional and intelligent songs from the ground up using old Harry Nilsson and Beatles types of melodic Song craft." GREENHOUSE EFFECT has one of the Net's Most devoted "Cult" following fan bases and constant Jango Radio Airplay of their classic "Brandy" never hurts one bit; "People get into our songs and they get into our band,...they will watch us for hours and our pictures, memories, and humor works well beyond other bands,....for us, being from the "South Bay" area of Redondo beach and Hermosa beach California, is very sentimental for anybody in the World who has ever lived there in those communities,...and so many people remember that they've been to a G.e. show and they've seen me play guitar live and drum and sing,...., just like Harry Nilsson would say; They 'remember" Says Higgins for Rock City Boston. "Star" and "Brandy" work as Powerful G.e. Songs of the web and Hagins says that cranking G.e. up loud to FULL VOLUME is always mandatory; "Because we are such a melodic band where Songwriting is everything,....we demand LOUD High Volume from our listeners AND THEY GIVE IT TO US !!,....and if they wanna get up and dance - or in some cases, start a one person Mosh pit,..thats OK too" Says Hagins. Greenhouse Effect Songs are often BIZARRELY tender and carefully written and placed and Haggins says that the band isn't just another run-of-the-mill nonsense crappy band like Foo Fighters, Pearl jam, or Hip Hop; "Theres real soul in G.e.,...theres real feel and real South bay blues,...We're the real deal and people know it,....for me, ...Something like Foo Fighters and Dave Grohl just sounds Robotic and mechanical,'s 'forced soul' from some feelingless Liberal empty guy who records all his shit on Pro Tools - he records everything digitally and it sounds Like it !,.....and its very extremely unintelligent,....G.e. is passionate and very melodic,...We're into Paul McCartney and Carly Simon and John Denver,...and everybody can tell,...we strive for extreme melody always !!,...even our B-Sides rock good" - "Star" rocks well for the Mighty G.e. and Haggins credits it as one of the band's best all time Hits; "That shit fucking rocks !!" Says Higgins. ;

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Italy; Greenhouse Effect Songs Music '22nd Street' Band più guardati Musicala in Italia! Maggior.

Web Traffic is Way Up For G.e. in Italy Today - Keep it Rockin ! '22nd Street' is Getting Some big Plays. Thanx For Rockin' us.  
Italy; Greenhouse Effect Songs Music '22nd Street' Band più guardati Musicala in Italia! Maggior.
212,836 Visualizzazioni video - Band più guardati Musical in Italia! Greenhouse Effecto De Americana Rockas Italia en Romania Too !! Americano Super Rock "effetto serra" Rock Stars Italia con alcune delle canzoni più visti su internet! - "Brandy" Rocce il giorno con alcuni punti di vista video grandi e Top Airplay cyberspazio in luoghi come Jango Radio a New York World. Nessuna altra band americana colpisce ascoltatori in tutto il mondo con il maggior numero molto grande che suona canzoni originali. - Visualizzazioni video - Band più guardati Musical in Italia! Greenhouse Effecto De Americana Rockas Italia en Romania Too !! Americano Super Rock "effetto serra" Rock Stars Italia con alcune delle canzoni più visti su internet! - "Brandy" Rocce il giorno con alcuni punti di vista video grandi e Top Airplay cyberspazio in luoghi come Jango Radio a New York World. Nessuna altra band americana colpisce ascoltatori in tutto il mondo con il maggior numero molto grande che suona canzoni originali.
TagClowd ;
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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Facebook Music / Greenhouse Effect Songs World Wide "It Ain't Easy" Clark-Hagins Music Bmi Nashville.

189,143 Views - It Ain't Easy. This Great Greenhouse Effect Song has become One of G.e's Most Popular Videos Online around the World - And this Song almost never happened ,...Nevermind the fact that it was almost never found and or Overlooked !! "I was going through Old cassette boxes down in San Diego and I found this old tape that said "It Ain't Easy" on it,...and I was like 'What the Fuck is this ??" Says Clark-Haggins. "Then I realised that I had stumbled upon perhaps G.e's LAST EVER RECORDED SONG From like November 1992, was an idea that I had completely forgotten about and I suddenly remembered that Studio Sound Engineer Bill Krodel loved the song !! ,..When I played "It Ain't Easy",...I was just blown away by the hooks in the track ,..and THAT CHORUS !!,....but I remember that I thought,.."Well ,..thats just typical me !!" - Haggins does not understand how he possibly overlooked the song for all these years or simply forgot about it,...but when he rediscovered the track in September 2008, was a God-send !! "It Ain't Easy" is just as Good as "Brandy" or the "Magic Man" Says Higgins. "To be quite frank and honest,....this is an awesome song and I really love the playing on it, really captured ripping off Rush, The Police, Bowie, The Turtles, and the Who to my G.E. Perfection,.....that guitar is like Perfect U2 ,....BUT the way THAT you absolutely HATE THEM,.....THIS FUCKING THING IS AWESOME !! Online "It Ain't Easy" has become a true Catchy Greenhouse Effect Performer and it goes right well with "Brandy" and "Misogynistia" into the G.e. "classics" zone with ease !! "If you want the truth - and I don't frankly give a rats fuck if you do or don't - "It Ain't Easy" is quickly becoming like one of my all time FAV G.e. Tracks ,...just for that great singing and those lyrics alone - that are so me !" Says Haggins for Rock City Boston. "It Would have been great to play this track at the Hermosa Saloon, would have rocked the house live !!" The Lyrics are absolutely to be put in a 1992 Time capsule as they hit with G.E. energy all the way; "Feed the Poor and tax the Rich - the poor get big and take control - it ain't easy" - Classic ! ;

Facebook Music / Greenhouse Effect Songs World ..., posted with vodpod

It's So Cold and Rainy Outside,....Stay indoors and Watch Some G.e. instead's Fun Rock n Pop ,...that'l tickle yer Melody Bone - Rock On !

It's So Cold and Rainy Outside,....Stay indoors and Watch Some G.e. instead's Fun Rock n Pop ,...that'l tickle yer Melody Bone - Rock On !   
It's So Cold and Rainy Outside,....Stay indoors and Watch Some G.e. instead's Fun Rock n Pop ,...that'l tickle yer Melody Bone - Rock On !   
Facebook Music / Greenhouse Effect Songs World Wide "It Ain't Easy" Clark-Hagins Music Bmi Nashville189,143 Views - It Ain't Easy. This Great Greenhouse Effect Song has become One of G.e's Most Popular Videos Online around the World - And this Song almost never happened ,...Nevermind the fact that it was almost never found and or Overlooked !! "I was going through Old cassette boxes down in San Diego and I found this old tape that said "It Ain't Easy" on it,...and I was like 'What the Fuck is this ??" Says Clark-Haggins. "Then I realised that I had stumbled upon perhaps G.e's LAST EVER RECORDED SONG From like November 1992, was an idea that I had completely forgotten about and I suddenly remembered that Studio Sound Engineer Bill Krodel loved the song !! ,..When I played "It Ain't Easy",...I was just blown away by the hooks in the track ,..and THAT CHORUS !!,....but I remember that I thought,.."Well ,..thats just typical me !!" - Haggins does not understand how he possibly overlooked the song for all these years or simply forgot about it,...but when he rediscovered the track in September 2008, was a God-send !! "It Ain't Easy" is just as Good as "Brandy" or the "Magic Man" Says Higgins. "To be quite frank and honest,....this is an awesome song and I really love the playing on it, really captured ripping off Rush, The Police, Bowie, The Turtles, and the Who to my G.E. Perfection,.....that guitar is like Perfect U2 ,....BUT the way THAT you absolutely HATE THEM,.....THIS FUCKING THING IS AWESOME !! Online "It Ain't Easy" has become a true Catchy Greenhouse Effect Performer and it goes right well with "Brandy" and "Misogynistia" into the G.e. "classics" zone with ease !! "If you want the truth - and I don't frankly give a rats fuck if you do or don't - "It Ain't Easy" is quickly becoming like one of my all time FAV G.e. Tracks ,...just for that great singing and those lyrics alone - that are so me !" Says Haggins for Rock City Boston. "It Would have been great to play this track at the Hermosa Saloon, would have rocked the house live !!" The Lyrics are absolutely to be put in a 1992 Time capsule as they hit with G.E. energy all the way; "Feed the Poor and tax the Rich - the poor get big and take control - it ain't easy" - Classic ! ;

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

BRANDY (Not Dancing) The Greenhouse Effect Mega-Hit Song 2008 France; Europe's Best Rock / BMI Music Publishing. Nashville.

713,036 Views - Brandy. This Mega-Song from Los Angeles Three Piece Rockers Greenhouse Effect has Landed the Band the Attention of Millions World Wide. In 2005 and 2006, 'Brandy' catapulted G.E. to Videos at Youtube with Three Million Views; "We were one of the earliest "internet bands" to really come out of nowhere and stir up alot of attention for Alternative Rock Music online. ....After Greenhouse Effect led the way, other Bands and Record Labels followed,....and 'THATS' how they built the careers of Lady Ga Ga and later Justin Bieber" Says Clark Higgins in April 2009. "Once again,....our band started it all." Long long ago, Greenhouse Effect were some of the earliest Pop Music Contenders as they Launched such legendary early "Grunge Rock" classics as 1987's "Precarious" and "Racers" to College Airplay and Labels Major and Indie across the United States. "Brandy" Would come in 1991 (After the exit of Guitarist_Phil-Keegan) and G.e. always generated Huge hype - but never attained a Professional Recording contract. "I hear people say how Great Phil Keegan was,..and how he makes songs like "Brandy" and "Star" rock so good,..and that bums me out,...people just say mean things to try to get me mad,....Keegan wasn't even in the band anymore when we started doing our best - and biggest shit,.....the stuff that now today, has made us so huge on the web,....and then I hear some clown like Greg Gutfeld at Fox News Red Eye yell out something loud like; "Foo Fighters Suck !",....'well',...."THATS" right when and where I know that Greg Gutfeld is a little coward,....he likes to read my blogs and bios and learn about what it is to be a real underground conservative,.....but he is a gutless coward,....he doesn't have the courage to invite me onto Fox News Red Eye,......I'd show him (And guys like Hannity) for the fakes and fucking phonies that they really are,.....they won't even Let Dr. Michael Savage come on to Fox News because they are Milk Toast and they think Savage is "Too Extreme",.....they're a buncha fucking pussys and panzies at Fox News,......Sometimes, I'd rather watch CNN ,....JUST to spite them !!" - The Millions of Video Views all around the World for Greenhouse Effect quite often dwarfs the traffic of thousands of bands who 'really do' have Professional label deals; "We're a much better band and we have bigger Hit songs,.....lets face it,...there ain't no band with a Song like "Brandy" out there now today,....and thats just 'one' of many Great Song ideas that we have,....And we can actually 'really' play our instruments well - that is key !!" G.e. often specialize with pretty tight and in and out little Pop 'ideas' songs and Haggins seems to be the expert at wrenching out hooks and chorus parts from old Dusty Springfield and John Denver Songs and re-working and recycling them to perfection into G.e. "A song like "It Ain't Easy", a great example of our catchy songwriting,.....obviously, thats a Barbara Streisand song that we re-polished and made even better (Laughs)" Says Higgins as he adds; "Just kidding." Haggins says that he seems to make a virtual entire career (And good money too) simply off the some 100,000 People from his former communities of his "South bay" area online (Redondo Beach / Torrance California) where his music has grown on the web to extreme popularity; "I can shop at Ralphs and Albertsons for me and my lovely wife Veleicema ,....We eat well,...and we live well ,....and its partially off G.e. ,...its 'NOT' just from cleaning Swimming pools now,.....and we do pretty good with the rest of the world too - we're selling Mp3's in Germany, Finland, France, and Belgium ,....We're a very popular Mp3 band all around the World now." Haggins says that getting people World Wide just to "Watch the commercials' that run over and through out his millions of videos that are running constantly all across the planet is key in getting payment deposits into his itunes, Cd Baby, and Paypall accounts all the time; "I never dreamed that I could get paid good music for G.e. and now my music is really building me the great life I always wanted - sure, would be nice to get a real record deal ,..but oh well,...More people know about "Brandy" and "Misogynistia" than they know about Most actual really "signed" bands anyway,....oh well,..what-ever...(Laughs)" Says Higgins; ROCK CITY PROMOTIONS BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS - SUPERNETCELEBRITYCOM

BRANDY (Not Dancing) The Greenhouse Effect Mega..., posted with vodpod

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Facebook Music "Winers, Diners, And Social Climbers" Greenhouse-Effect_Live !! Videos On Demand BMI Music.

347,119 Views - Australia Video 2005 - Check out the LIVE VERSION Of "Winers, Diners, and Social Climbers" By G.E. as Clark Haggins blazes his way through this classic ON GUITAR !! - DRUMMER MARTIN SILVA Attacks the Drum Skins as bassist_Rick Carmody holds down some Fine Four String mastery; "We were an amazing band Live,....thats the unfortunate thing that many people forget about G.e.,....we were actually way better Live, little studio songs like "Brandy" are good n all but you had to see us Live to fully appreciate G.e." Says Clark Haggins in June 2005 as the Brand New Youtube Service displays Five killer Greenhouse Effect Tracks. "There actually is no studio recorded version of "Winers Diners" Says Higgins. "But I actually 'like it' that way !!!,.....the studio would have fucked this song up and probobly made it suck !! (Laughs)" - The Power of the drumming of Marty Silva can not be ignored in the History of G.e. as the San Pedro Drummer made the three piece band into one of Los Angeles' most formidable Alternative Rock outfits in the early 1990's; "When Marty Silva came in,...our band was so solidified,..he "made" us professionals,......When we first played "Ben is Dead" with him on drums, was amazing" Says Higgins. "We were just a three piece but Martin made us sound like Rush ,..or as if there were 7 guys on the stage,..he was "that" good, really was as if we were jamming with Neil Peart sometimes" as Haggins remembers the days of playing gigs with other South Bay (Redondo Beach Torrance Calif.) Bands. Bassist_Rick Carmody - who is such a funny internet fixture for the band - becomes quite the serious musician where ever there are "Live" video captures of G.e: "It's hard to even discuss G.E. and not mention Ted,.....He is an amazing bassist ,..but his image is also so important,....he is absurd and funny, adds to the whole band." ROCK CITY PRODUCTIONS - BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS.

Facebook Music "Winers, Diners, And Social Clim..., posted with vodpod

Brietbart70 Music Blog; G.E. - Clark Higgins Music Blogs Brietbart70 !!!

Rock's Most Watched Band Of the Cyberspace Universe ??

Yes !!

Clark Higgins has the magical ability to write so well that he can literally sell you your already very own pair of warn out sneakers as he has been "Blogging" online about his band and Solo music since 2001 !!
"I started out with some simple blogs at Mp3.Com way back then yonder (Laughs)" Says Higgins. "Now, I see my shit all OVER the web,....People copy and paste it and in some hillarious cases,...they delete out me and my shit and they pretend that 'they' wrote it (Laughs),....I can really write some good catchy shit,....People love my fucking stuff,....and they "Use' it sell 'their' products and shit !!"
Haggins says that he has LONG been a dedicated listener to the Michael Savage Radio Show on KFMB-FM in San Diego and that the way that Michael "Paints Landscapes" with his often angry - and sometimes sentimental - voice and talk radio show has deeply inspired Haggins. "Love by the Sewer Plant,...thats all I gotta say" Says Haggins with a Laugh.

"Michael Savage" is a Person with strong ability,....but I still don't think he is near as good or talented as me,....I'm much more pissed off and prophane,....and plus,....My musical ability online sets me apart from other conservatives,......Alot of Conservatives are just stuck-up Douchebags like Sean Hannity and Glen Beck - THOSE GUYS SUCK !! ,....Mark Levin is way better and Greg Gutfeld (From Fox News Red Eye) is actually pretty witty and ironic,.....he has something going on there at that show - it has made me Laugh a time or two ,.....I just think that People Like Sean Hannity suck - people like that give Catholics and real conservatives a bad name,... In order to be a 'true' pragmatic conserv,....You need to have been mugged,.....You need to be very short ,..and been picked on and ridiculed ALOT,..... When-ever I see someone who is tall (And Or Good Looking) and can get chicks,.....then usually, "THATS" not a real Conservative,....thats just some Douchebag like Kelsy Grammer ,......I think that Kelsy Grammar is the biggest jerk moron that I have ever seen,...He gives Republicans a bad name,.....what ??,....the guy has had like 20 Chicks and 5 kids with tons of different babes - That guy's a Douchebag !! He is Ghetto !!

Haggins music dominates the internet and often causes Problems for Record Labels and "real" signed bands as G.E. steals web traffic like as easy as takin' Candy from a baby;

"We got Great songs,....We have strong material - Nobody disputes that ,.....We've got flat out Good shit" Says Higgins. Haggins says that he is most certainly 'NOT' a fan of Today's Emo and Alternative music; "When ever I hear all that crap that all sounds the same,..I just do as alot of people do and I turn IT OFF,.....AND I HATE RAP and Hip Hop Music - it sucks !! ,....its so fucking Lame and Boring, always just sounds all the same" Says Haggins. "I don't see why American Radios constantly play shit Like Nirvana,....I mean the fuckin' guy killed himself,.....WHAT A DOUCHEBAG,......AND what a bad influence he is on people and Little kids,.....I think that it is irresponsible and flat out wrong to continue playing that crap,.....they shouldn't promote that,..... but then again, Liberals are fucking Douchebags - what can I say ???"

Monday, October 18, 2010

Greenhouse Effect Song Widgets 'Addicted' Vimeo Vodpod Tunecore

687,935 Views - Vtap Videos / Greenhouse Songs - G.E. Videos Have become the things of Legend all over the internet as the very interesting Los Angeles band seems to hit with One strong Catchy Arrangement after the next and "Addicted" is no doubt one song that has made the Redondo Beach Trio Mega-Famous in cyberspace; "We get video hits now simply because E-V-E-R-Y-BODY wants to link exchange with G.e. or just be word 'associated' with us" Says Clarke Higgins the band's Zany Lead Guitarist and most notable for his wild performances in videos for such cyber-classics as "Brandy", 'White Black Thang', "Coke Snorting", and "Misogynistia (Shes A Bitch,..and then You Live)" - Higgins says that the band plans a Brand New World Wide "Live" Video; "We're putting out a Video called 'Shes a Bitch,..and then You "Live" ,..get it ?? (Laughs)" says the witty 6 stringer of Redondo Beach California's most noticed Web phenomena. Greenhouse Effect Songs grab your attention fast just simply for how unusual, direct, and daring that they almost always are or as Haggins refers to G.e. ; "We're like Frank Zappa,....but if he smoked crack !!" The band has tons of personality and even Ego missing from today's bands and world as Funny Looking Red Haired Bassist Rick Carmody and Higgins can ham it up for the camera with humor better than any band !! "I always thought that the Beatles were so funny,....I always dreamed that I could be a funny rock star like that and make people laugh as well as give them great songs and melody,....G.e. does exactly that !!" Says Higgins. "We're seen all around the world millions of times and we have such a strong cult devoted following,.....theres always a thousand hits for our clips all the time" Says Higgins. Bassist Carmody and Higgins have hardly spoken in some 20 years since Greenhouse Effect broke up in 1992 but Haggins says that he regularly keeps in touch with guitarist Phil Keegan and drummer Marty Silva. NEW YORK'S JANGO RADIO is just one of the many ways that Higgins and G.e. get around all over the globe and there are other Avenues as well at Hagins' disposal for hype and Promotion of his beloved G.E.; "I never dreamed that I could really get paid good money for this but I do,....G.e. is an internet Success in so many rewarding ways,...I feel like my art is fully realised and evolved,'s a great feeling that so many people love my music and even so many people in California compliment me all the time and tell me how Great G.e. is,....I know that secretly they still think that we suck,...but this is so fun,....and it will Last forever - thats the best part" Says Higgins "G.e. will still be playing and rocking out,....Long after I'm gone !!" Greenhouse Effect seem to thrive upon their uniqueness and lack of style or category; "We aren't a typical heavy metal band or punk band,...we aren't Emo or country,....we fall into absolutely no category,....When people ask me what G.e. is,..I just say "Harry Nilsson circa 1970 / 71' (Laughs)" Higgins says that Harry Nilsson Songs like "Without You" literally "Made" his life long ago growing up back in Torrance California as he walked to Parkway School or tracks like "Time in a bottle" by Jim Croce; "Jim Croce and John Denver mean so much to me,....but Dusty Springfield, Dionne Warwick, and Frank Zappa just put me over the line" Says Haggins. The spell-bindingly good Video for "Addicted" takes Haggins back in time and displays the Life of the internet's most Watched musician as the memories of Newton Middle School and South High in Torrance when Haggins first made his early "Grunge" demos at his home studio stir the spirit of the Web Musician but in David Bowie fashion; "Memories help me to write poetry, conservatism is so important, gives me such an edge over everybody else,....the things like the fact that I never miss Mass at church and I never vote for a Democrat is just such a weird novelty for where I am from and my community - where EVERYBODY is just like this robot Douchebag Doper,....I am so unique and so odd,....its why my music is the best, have to be a sentimental guy like me to enjoy an old Harry Nilsson Song like "Me and My Arrow" or "Together" and I just think its so important that so many people picked on me and ridiculed me, really made my art good quality, absolutely have to suffer great adversity and pain to be as talented as I am,...theres no way a guy can write a classic like "Addicted" unless he's been through shit - or had an older brother like my brother Doug (Laughs)" - Haggins says that he gets the 'thrill of a lifetime' when people play his songs loud on their computers; "My statistics reflect that people listen to my whole entire songs,...they seem to love "Addicted" and "Shes A Bitch" ALOT,....whats so funny and weird is how they like "those' more than "Brandy" or "White Black" or "Six Feet Under" or "Coke Snorting",...I'm tickled pink by it all (Laughs)" Haggins says that growing up back in Redondo Beach, that the 'Great One" Wayne Gretzky inspired him to achieve Greatness; "I always wanted to play Hockey and I gave Mr. Gretzky some of my music tapes and he said they were awesome !! I'll never forget that !!" Says Higgins. Complete and absolute Quality from top to bottom and from start to finish is what G.e. is always about and in the very competitive world of the web, Haggins is in a constant fight to keep ahead or close to the Lady Ga Ga's and Justin Beibers; "We were doing just fine & really well until Beiber came along" Says Higgins. "My goal now is mainly just tryin' to get people watchin' the commercials,.....fuck the song,...they already know em' all now,.....I like the money !!"

Greenhouse Effect Song Widgets 'Addicted' Vimeo..., posted with vodpod

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Most Viewed Videos World Wide - "Search And Destroy" Greenhouse Effect Song List 1985 to 1992.

326,771 Views - Greenhouse Effect From LOS ANGELES is The World's most Watched Rock n Roll Band of the Web and Clark Hagins says that utilizing the Most Simplest of technical Advertising in Google Adwords, Vimeo, Blip Tv, and Myspace and FaceBook Ads are the Key; "I make Good money now with G.e. and I don't even leave the House !! It's like as if we're constantly on Virtual tours,.....Record labels in Los Angeles could not possibly know what I know about the value of Good Songs and Advertising (And LOTS OF IT) but they're slowly learning - from me!,....EVERYBODY KNOWS practically EVERY G.E. SONG now !" Says Haggins. Back in the 'early days' of 2002, Haggins began his G.e. quest for Rock n Roll and humor immortality: "We started off simple with some views for "Brandy" and "White Black Thang",....since then, its just gone up and up,....We're number one at Funky Tv and other places,...and video blogs and sites email ME ,....BECAUSE they want G.e. Videos - and Desperately !!! They 'know' that Greenhouse Effect Songs will get their websites seen and searched in Google" - Haggins has seen musical trends come and go in the Last 8 years in cyberspace but the power of the Great Songwriting and Singing in G.e. remains virtually unchanged; "We're a Great band and we keep it simple stupid just like KISS and Lonn Friend might say,......we're into simple melody from Dan Fogleberg and John Denver and Harry Nilsson,......we're totally 70's because 'THAT' was the period in time where the melody was !! GREENHOUSE EFFECT are constantly getting good comments and commitment from fans all around the world at places like Pandora and Jango-Airplay and the three million video views that they got for "Brandy" in 2006 at Youtube was no fluke (and not due to advertising either) according to Higgins; "We got great melodic songs and people dig our shit, can't possibly look me in the eye and tell me that "Brandy", 'White Black", and "Search and Destroy" aren't fucking great songs and ideas,....we're among the best" Says Hagins. Haggins says that he feels that the Rock n Roll hall of fame is a joke and that his life of pain growing up in the "South bay" area of Torrance and Redondo beach Ca are keys in G.e's massive web success; "I was the last of 8 children and i had no friends,.....people disrespected me and people hate me,.....thats the bottom line,.....if they hate me all because I am more talented than every one else then I don't care,....I don't like hate,.....hate is a bad evil thing,...and I don't hate people or judge them usually no matter what,....unless they're a total fucking douchebag or some shit like that,....I have always supported other people and musicians,.....and I have a strong history of encouraging other people to continue,....and pursue their art,....I don't EVER discourage people - thats for sure !!!" Haggins says that the pressure for him and G.e. to stay on top and always be number one in the world is immense on the net; "They hate me 'cause I'm good,.....and thats a good thang to be hated for,......I'm the most known and watched thing EVER to come out of the South Bay and they know it,....I got great songs and I've lived a Great life and this is a tough business , get where I've gotten, get 1000 views a day at Vimeo is tough - ask anybody !!" - Haggins and Greenhouse Effect recently started their first Facebook Site in October 2010 and already they have 1000 Facebook Friends; "Facebook really doesn't make that big of a difference yet" Says Higgins "We already have 30,000 Myspace friends so I'm not completely sold on Facebook yet,....and I think all those bands out there wasting their time on tour and making no money while their Labels make it all is just plain sad - a real tragedy,...its like slavery". Many People Wonder of Hagins and G.e's seeming "obsession" with staying heavily viewed on the web; "I'm a guy who is used to being told that he's "Nowhere" and a "Nobody" and that I'm just a piece of shit and I'm like ..."i'll teach you fuckers a lesson,...I'll fix you good" Says Higgins. ROCK CITY PROMOTIONS BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS SUPERNETCELEBRITYCOM

Most Viewed Videos World Wide - "Search And Des..., posted with vodpod

Friday, October 15, 2010

Greenhouse-Effect_Song List Complete 1985 to 1992. - Greenhouse-Effect_Mixtapes

199,357 Views - Los Angeles Band Greenhouse Effect with the 1992 Hit 'Misogynistia' (Shes A Bitch,...and then You Live). Youtube Video / Dailymotion / Vimeo.

TAGCLOUD; nilsson, jim croce, quadrophenia, justin beiber, harry nilsson, keith moon, marijuana, beer, keith stone, toby keith, kroq, slavery, twitter links, cat stevens, the doors, grunge, emo, alt, porn, indie, redondo-beach, google, keith urban, zeus1000, #seo

Greenhouse-Effect_Song List Complete 1985 to 19..., posted with vodpod

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Coke Snorting (1990) Greenhouse_Songs - Clark-Haggins_Facebook - Jango_Songs BMI MUSIC_2010

321,966 Views - Greenhouse Effect issued "Coke Snorting' at the beginning of the Summer of 1990, just before Performing at "Fest 4" with other South Bay (Los Angeles) Bands Death & Taxe$, Prop 13, Instigator, Meatwagon, and Tenonvang; "That show I will never forget" Says Clark Haggins at his Facebook Account in 2010; "There was like 500 People there and the crowd was very unruly and hurling insults at me,....In the South Bay, ..I am a very hated Person" - That fateful day, G.e. performed for only the second time ever as a "Four Piece" with Haggins grabbing only the microphone and leaping about the stage before the large crowd; "Normally, G.e. was 'always' a three piece,....I am either on drums or guitar and singing,...but on 'that' day, we were experimenting with like this Red Hot Chili thing line-up and we had Mikey Valencia back there on drums,...Mike is a Good drummer but it just wasn't the same, the South bay, i have just such this tremendous reputation on drums ,..and the huge crowd was expecting to see me play and do my Keith Moon thing where I mug faces,....'that' didn't happen,......they weren't used to seeing me leaping about upfront, brother Paul was a lead singer,...he was the guy with that band "The Jades" back in the South bay who got so big and popular in the late 70's /' Early 80's,...they had Pat Irwin on Bass,..and this really great drummer - Oh I forget his name,.....anyway, I thought I'd give the "Lead Singer" thing a try and channel my inner Roger Daltrey / Mick, didn't go over so well" - At the gig, a drunken mob took over and Haggins saw more than a few faces get bloodied; "Luckily not my own" Says Haggins "When we played "Waiting for your love to fail",...this massive slam pit broke out, was wild,.....we're really not a mosh pit kinda band at all,..we're hippies like the Who and the Guess Who,....we're mellow guys who have the occasional aggressive songs,....."Coke Snorting" went really well that day !!!" - ; ROCK CITY PROMOTIONS BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS @ FACEBOOK

Coke Snorting (1990) Greenhouse_Songs - Clark-H..., posted with vodpod

Clark Haggins Facebook - Jango.Radio "Five Years" (1992) Greenhouse_Music Los Angeles Myspace Ads Text BMI.

163,977 Views - Rocker Clark Haggins and Greenhouse Effect Get their Three piece mega-internet Band "Greenhouse Effect" Seen More than any other Rock.Band (TM) in Cyberspace by using Simple Web tactics such as MYSPACE ADS, FACEBOOK ADS, And World Wide Jango Radio which Haggins Says can cost as Little as 30 Bucks !!; "We use alot of internet advertising tricks as well as tons of Videos at Blip Tv, Blogger, and Google Adwords Advertising,.....we have to constantly keep selling ALOT of itunes to feed our music into JANGO and Pandora Radios World Wide which is so important,....I have to constantly blog something new always,....We hunger to be at the very Tops of search engines because 'THATS' Where the Big Money is !!" - "Five Years' is catchy melodic rock reminiscent of 1972 era Rolling Stones and 1973 circa DAVID BOWIE that Keeps those mp3s selling at all times for the Mighty G.e. - "G.e. is big business now" Says Haggins "I make more than enough money to go shopping at Walmart and Albertsons and eating at Taco Bell with my wife !!" - ;Zeus1000_Internet_Marketing

Clark Haggins Facebook - Jango.Radio "Five Year..., posted with vodpod

Most Watched Videos - '22nd Street' by Greenhouse Effect - LOS ANGELES - BMI Music

Most Watched Videos - '22nd Street' by Greenhouse Effect - LOS ANGELES - BMI Music - 245,294 Views - Youtube Video for Song "22nd Street" By Los Angeles internet Mega-Band Greenhouse Effect. The 2010 Cyber-Song is a cross between Rush and Morrisey with a little bit of the Cure for Good measure. The three piece band has been strong on the Web (And on Jango Radio) for Many years. Pandora Radio also features the band in constant Top Rotation World Wide as bassist_Rick Carmody, Guitarist_Clark.Higgins, and Drummer Palle Karlson are quite adept at entertaining viewers around the World with their Top Net Traffic Songs and at itunes. ;

Most Watched Videos - '22nd Street' by Greenhou..., posted with vodpod