Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Adwords Greenhouse-Songs Marketing "Shes A Bitch....And Then You Live" {1992} Bmi Music Publishing

88,776 Views - Los Angeles California's GREENHOUSE EFFECT With the Mega-Powerful "Shes A Bitch.....And Then You Live" / The Redondo beach California Band Has successfully hit the internet hard with Popular Top Songs Like "Brandy" and "Ben is Dead"....In 2006, the trio was one of the most watched and free downloaded of the early "Internet bands" @ Youtube and Google Video. - internet.Marketing #Jango / / Greenhouse-Effect-Songs #Seo - #Affiliates / #Vimeo / #itunes

A Adwords Greenhouse-Songs Marketing "Shes A Bi..., posted with vodpod

Greenhouse Effect Songs Jango Airplay "God's Joke" BMI Music Nashville.

77,024 Views - Greenhouse Effect Songs Jango Airplay "God's Joke" BMI Music Nashville. This classic blues track from G.e. has certainly helped their Large web traffic and World Wide fan base. The alternative rock band was one of music's most seen bands of 2005 !!

Greenhouse Effect Songs Jango Airplay "God's Jo..., posted with vodpod

Thursday, November 25, 2010

A America the beautiful // Greenhouse Effect Songs Online // The Hits 2009 !!! Jango Airplay BMI Publishing.

213,034 Views - Greenhouse Effect is the Hippest Thing Online. The Odd looking three piece band with no tattoos or piercings is an internet anomaly . And they're not afraid one bit to show off their nerdy side. Great Songs have come from the Redondo Beach California Trio on the web for the Last Seven years and high web traffic and searches are their trademark !! "We don't look like any band,..we don't sound anything like any other band and that is the key to G.e." Says Guitarist_Clark-Haggans_Arizona. "We are to the internet what porn once was." Many have called G.e's relentless ad campaigns at Facebook, Myspace, and Google Adwords "Oppressive" but Haggins says that the ads are something that is fairly brand new to G.e. "We were huge on the web long before all the ads" Says Clark-Higgins_Writer/Blogger. "People who are into music from 1972 through 1977 love us because they say that we sound alot like Harry Nilsson and early Iggy Pop records,...thats enough for me !!" Haggins says that the pop up ads and banners simply allow Greenhouse Effect to make money and be "rewarded" for all of their previous hard work all over cyberspace; "We can sell songs with itunes now and other tricks and places,....we can run commercials over our songs at like 50,000 different web sites,...I say 'why not',..I know that its CERTAINLY NOT punk rock ethics,...but the heavy metal side of my brain is very corporate and capitalist, wants to make money ,..and make lots of it,..." Haggans says that funny looking Red Head bassist Rick Carmody and disarming silly drummer Palle Carlson are the important "Keys' to why G.e. is so damn cool; "Those guys look like dorks - They're 'NOT' rock n roll at all , brings a very human element to our web attack,...I look like this cool hip rocker dude but people can plainly see that I am also a dork,...we look human,....we look very normal and natural,..theres no tattoos,..and uncool people can really relate,.....we don't try to fool anyone on how many babes we can score,..we're all married,....and everybody knows married people are the biggest losers of all (Laughs)...." There may be absolutely nothing cool about G.e's look but it is Greenhouse Effect's weird sound that may be the lure, this is the band that performs the very mighty internet hit "Brandy",...a song that is ipodded daily and gets about a million hits per week atleast; "Brandy is the thing that has really 'made' G.e. so durable,....alot of people everyday hear it for the very first time,....and they love it forever" Says Higgins. Greenhouse Effect have taken high heat and criticism for being the South Bay's "One Hit Wonder" and many people just say that they are annoying online ,..albeit with only one good song; "White Black Thang is a great song,....we got other hits,....I've been encountered by people who say that "Brandy" is the only good song enough that I would be a millionaire for every time if they threw me a penny,..."No Takers" is a great song and so is "America The Beautiful",...who cares if the people in Long Beach say G.e. sucks,....nobodys ever heard of any of them,...and everybody's heard of me !!"...

A America the beautiful // Greenhouse Effect So..., posted with vodpod

Greenhouse_Songs #GoogleAdwords X #itunes Google_Adwords #Seo #it

Greenhouse_Songs #GoogleAdwords X #itunes Google_Adwords #Seo #it

Greenhouse_Songs #GoogleAdwords X #itunes Google_Adwords #Seo #it

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Discography - Greenhouse Effect Songs Theme Song - Redondo beach Ca - Myspace Ads - BMI Music Nashville.

43,025 Views - Youtube Videos - Web Traffic in 2010 for Los Angeles internet band Greenhouse Effect is at an all time high; "We just trademarked our band name,...and 'that move' has sparked even more curiosity in the band" Says Clark Haggans_Arizona. "Immediately, I began to get those emails from new publishers, Labels, and distributer Promoters,..I guess that trademarking your band name makes some kind of big difference to lawyers n people n' shit." The World's Most Watched Band of the web hits with Great timeless Songs and plenty of itunes sales as Haggins has seen his G.e. fortunes turn from a band that few people had ever heard of into one of the net's biggest phenomena and a musical group that now practically all web browsers know all too well; "People surf for porn and there is a good chance they will be sidetracked by a G.e. music video like "Brandy", Theme, or "White Black Thang",...our songs are a guilty pleasure,..people will sit and watch us for hours,..we're sorta like Duran Duran, hate them but you "need' to watch them,....anyway, I think we're better than porn,...I know were better than porn" Says Hagins. Fans around Los Angeles have emailed Haggans en masse, demanding of a new G.e. Concert regimen. 'Theres no way that G.e. will ever come back" Says Higgins. "I'm satisfied by simply being one of the biggest things in cyberspace,..I know that alotta' people look at us,..they hear all those great songs,..they see all the talent,..thats enough for me,....I haven't talked to Ted (Bassist Rick Carmody) in about 15 years,....but it's so funny,..when people watch all our videos,..its like we were just hangin' out playin' Ben is Dead in Hermosa last week !!!"

Discography - Greenhouse Effect Songs Theme Son..., posted with vodpod

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Adwords // Greenhouse Effect Songs Band Name Trademark USA "Precarious" Rock's Most Watched Band; internet.

45,450 Views - Greenhouse Effect with their powerful "Precarious" from 1987/ 88' era and the "Global Warming" album with guitarist Phil Keegan. The three piece band attacked hard live as Drummer / Lead Singer Clark Hagins and Keegan fed off each other's "Instincts" as Bassist_Rick_Carmody held the complexly arranged songs together. "Precarious" and "Number One" were two of the "Early G.e." Songs that the band always played Live and usually in succession. "The Magic Man" was the earliest "Hit Single" that the band offered as Live, this track was always used as the Centre-piece to the stage show.

Adwords // Greenhouse Effect Songs Band Name Tr..., posted with vodpod

Friday, November 19, 2010

Greenhouse Effect Brandy // Hit Songs Of the Internet 2010 - Facebook / Myspace Banner Ads.

233,935 Views - Youtube Video. Brandy. The Hit Song that propels the Redondo Beach band to big Success on the internet and at Jango Radio. "We get more plays on XM and Pandora now" Says Clark Haggans. "We're makin' money but I'd love to hear our songs on the FM Dial soon." Hagins Laments at the fact that G.E. cannot seem to get their monster hits like "White Black" and 'Brandy' onto even local Fm Radios in his San Diego Community; "If we did that,...then My shopping bills at Target and Albertsons wouln't be just 100 or 200 Dollars,...I'd be goin' in there ,..and buyin' the Frickin' places,...My wife would be stoked !!,....I think that KPRI or 91-X Radio,..."Brandy" would sound Great !!!" Myspace and Careful Facebook Advertising has planted G.e. into the subconsciouses and when People listen to "Brandy",..its always a winner for Haggans and the band; "We're accused of bein' a One hit wonder and riding it all the way to the bank... People say that all our other songs suck !! (Laughs)" Says Haggins. "I don't care,... it's just Like Harry Nilsson,...People say that he really only has two or three good songs and thats all,...but ya know what I say,...I say 'thats' all it takes,..and in my heart, ...I know that I got other good shit, does Harry" - Haggins says that he began an obsession with Songwriting (And Nilsson) early on in life; "I was writing songs whilst sitting on my street corner when i was five,..Looking back now,..I was unsupervised and I easily could have been abducted (Laughs),...but God was looking out for me and protecting me,..and he was teaching me the songwriting game." Haggins says that he first heard the cover of Badfinger,...Harry Nilsson's Version of "Without You" in "about 1972,..when he was 6 or 7 years old in Redondo Beach Ca" and that he began to craft his ambitions for his own ultimate "Sad Fm Radio hit"; "Later on,..I got into Jim Croce and 10cc,....even Barry Manilow and Styx ,...I liked melliow 70's rock that was cheesey,.....but nobody could craft an aim of a pop song quite like Nilsson,....He would literally cover songs and "re-write" them into his own hits,..."Everybodys Talkin" is awesome too" // As a band, Greenhouse Effect's style would merge with Punk and Heavy metal, Haggins claims (and is backed up by many) that 'he' and his band 'are' the real original grunge rock; "We crafted a sound when we had the Great Phil Keegan on guitar in the band that was like no other band" Says Higgins.

Greenhouse Effect Brandy // Hit Songs Of the In..., posted with vodpod

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

BRANDY (Not Dancing) The Greenhouse Effect Mega-Hit Song 2008 France; Europe's Best Rock / BMI Music Publishing. Nashville.

133,925 Views - Youtube Video For Greenhouse Effect's Hit Song of Myspace "Brandy". 2004 and 2005 saw G.e. Lay the Foundation for their coming successful "Video Campaigns of Later On in 2008 and 2009. With no new Original Song recordings, G.e. rely on the Past heavy and with "Brandy", they bring One of their Biggest 1990's Hit tunes to the World wide table of Cyberspace daily to Millions of Viewers and itunes customers. ;

BRANDY (Not Dancing) The Greenhouse Effect Mega..., posted with vodpod

Monday, November 15, 2010

Greenhouse Effect Discography Recording History Chronology "It Ain't Easy" 1992 Clark-Haggans_Statistics.

Greenhouse_Songs "It Ain't Easy" ;// Greenhouse_Songs "It Ain't Easy" // #Seo =#Affiliates - #Greenhouse = #Brandy // XX #Links // #itunes //#Legalizeit #Web / - Redondo Beach California Mega-Band Greenhouse Effect With the Powerful "It Ain't Easy" which is a U2-Like Song that Guitarist_Clark_Haggans calls "One of G.e's Best !!!" - In 2006 and 2007, the Band were early exploratory pioneers of the internet, Landing many of their Song Videos into early Web Top Ten Lists; "We led the way as far back as 2003 and 2004,....before there even was a Youtube,...We had songs Like "Brandy" that were getting HUGE Curiosity for Our Group" Says Haggans. Greenhouse_Songs "It Ain't Easy" // #Seo =#Affiliates - #Greenhouse = #Brandy // XX #Links // #itunes //#Legalizeit #Web /

Greenhouse Effect Discography Recording History..., posted with vodpod

Friday, November 12, 2010

Greenhouse Effect Has Officially "Trademarked" and "Service Marked" Our Great Rock Band Name with Debra Bowen's Office California !!!! #Seo!

Greenhouse Effect Has Officially "Trademarked" and "Service Marked" Our Great Rock Band Name with Debra Bowen's Office California !!!! #Seo! #USA #TWITTER


Greenhouse Effect Has Officially "Trademarked" and "Service Marked" Our Great Rock Band Name with Debra Bowen's Office California !!!! #Seo!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Redondo Beach Songs / Music ; Greenhouse-Effect_Adwords "Number One" (1987) Phil-Keegan_Guitar

99,924 Views - Redondo Beach Songs / Music ; Greenhouse-Effect_Adwords "Number One" (1987) Phil-Keegan_Guitar Zeus1000-internet-Marketing #Links Xl - - #BlipTv = #Jango -#Greenhouse 9 FunkyTV_Songs #itunes X #Seo - The Most "Looked at" Band in the Music UNIVERSE ??? YES !! Greenhouse Effect Hit with Alot of Great Songs and none of them are better than "Number One" (1987) which is a track written by Guitarist_Phil Keegan with words and Vocals from Drummer Clark_Haggans. The band hits hard as it uses Google Adwords and Facebook Ads to propel their already LARGE INTERNET WEB TRAFFIC and itunes Sales. Hagins says that he is a huge fan of Harry Nilsson and songs like "Together" and "Without You". Hagins was born in 1965 and he started music at a young age. In 1973 he.....

Redondo Beach Songs / Music ; Greenhouse-Effect..., posted with vodpod

Greenhouse Effect Discography Chronological Recordings History Entire Complete "Number 1" 1987.

Greenhouse-Effect_Song List Complete 1985 to 1992. - Greenhouse-Effect_Mixtapes

Greenhouse-Effect_Song List Complete 1985 to 1992.


Clark Haggans ;
1983; Age 18 ,...Performs with Torrance Punk Rock band "Outlash Control"...

1984 / 85' - Rehearses often with Various South Bay Blues/ Rock bands among them "Soul Clinic" With Guitarist_Steve Stepanian and Bassist Rick Carmody as well as Bassist_Dave-Basen. Also Quite Often performs with the fragmented Group that would later become "The Jim Mellon Quartet" - Notes; Later on in 1986, 87 and various Parts of possibly 1988 through 1990, Performs with the "Christine Valley band" (The CVB) With Ohio Guitarist / Vocalist Joe Delsignore (Joe Groovey Dude). Also Plays with Gardena Punk band "BPS"... and others... (All of these on drums only)...

1985, 86'
The "Clark Hagins" Solo Demo Tapes. Largely Recorded at South Bay Sound in Gardena California; Some tracks and "Bits" recorded at 251 Redondo Beach with home "Sony" Tape Recorders (Overdubbed). These are heavily organized "Grunge" guitar ideas as heard at BlipTV and other places. The distorted guitars ideas as clashing with "alternative" type songs were 'perfected' first at home in Torrance California before ideas were discussed in studio in an effort to "Capture it" to tape recordings.

First Songs Recorded; Late 1985 - Hagins Aged 20

1.) Maury,...A Lad Insane
2.) Soviet! (Feel The Soviet Thunder)
3.) Somethings Wrong with the Boy

Engineered By Dan Jamele and Bill Rothenberg

1986; Not in this Order (Months unknown)
1.) Get it Right
2.) Angel Of hell
3.) Magic Fingers
4.) 'Don't Need You
5.) 'Been Her (Tania)
6.) Loser Girl - NOTES; 'This' is one of the most interesting early Clark Higgins Tracks,....right now, Somewhere there is only one (1.) copy of this song floating around the world on a cassette (If it still exists or hasn't been erased somewhere)...
7.) ?? More ? (Unknown)...

Recorded by Bill Rothberg and Possible Dan Jammelle at "Media Kitchen" Gardena Calif. (South bay Sound).

Note; There "are' other (Possibly Professionally recorded too) Songs from this period. A Possible Song called "Scary Sabbath" was accidentally mailed away to somewhere unknown (And it was the only Cassette copy) The Master Tapes exist but are "Akai 12 track system" tapes,...and those Akai consoles are rarely used post 1992 (And ofcourse in the today World of the 2000's are virtually impossible to find). NOTES; There was a 1987 Recording Session that began with Haggins and Dan Jamale and Lasted mere minutes as Hagins cut the session abruptly short - With due to a stress related Possible Panic Attack !! (A severe nervous condition Hagins has suffered since childhood and still to this day.) "It worked out perfect" Says Higgins "I remember something Like all of a sudden, the guy had to leave anyway" - (Laughs)

1988 - With Guitarist_Phil Keegan, Bassist_Rick Carmody and Greenhouse Effect (February / March 1988) South Bay Sound Co. Gardena California - Likely not in this Order

1.) Precarious
2.) Number One
3.) Think About it (Yardbirds Cover)
4.) Wring that Neck
5.) Racers
6.) The Magic Man
7.) Little Man
8.) Actor

1989 - April / May 89' With Bill Rothenberg - South Bay Sound

1. 3/4
2. A Current Affair
3. Six Feet Under
4. Snake

1990 - May 90'

1.) Virus O'Syrus
2.) Coke Snorting
3.) Waiting for your Love to Fail!

1990 - December 90' - Haggins and Carmody only

1.) Wilson Phillips
2.) America The Beautiful

1991 - January / February 91' - Clark Hagins; Drums, Guitar, Vocals / Rick-Carmody_Bass

1.) Dead End Street
2.) Ben is Dead
3.) Star
4.) Hey Negrita
5.) 22nd Street
6.) God's Joke

1991 - April / May 91' - Haggins and Carmody_Bass - Recorded with Bill Krodel and Mark Nathanson @ Jet City Sound Studios, El Segundo California

1.) Subdue
2.) Manipulation
3.) White Black Thang
4.) Please please me (Beatles Cover).

1991 - November / December / March 92' Mix

1.) Brandy

1992 - May June ( Engineered By Bill Krodel)

1.) Search and Destroy
2.) People (That won't back down).
3.) The Ballad of Kurt Cobain
4.) No Takers

1992 - July / August

1.) Addicted
2.) Misogynistia
3.) Five Years

1992 - September

1.) Big Teen Dollars

1992 - October / November

1.) Theme
2.) Irie Bob
3.) Katy's Song (Gurdle)
4.) So Much Better
5.) It Ain't Easy
6.) White Suburban Liars
7.) Ripping Reason
8.) ??

There are other Complete songs in here believe it or not as well as song "Fragments" recorded Dec and Nov 92' - A cover of Dusty Springfield's "You don't have to say you love Me" exists on Hagins' master tapes Recorded by Bill Krodel.

Band Officially breaks up in November / December 1992 - There are no more known recorded songs or works beyond this point - Bassist Rick Carmody Officially joined the 'One Handed Readers' possibly as early as Summer 1992 in Redondo Beach. = The Right Wing Wacko Dot Com

Greenhouse Effect Discography Chronological Rec..., posted with vodpod

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Greenhouse Effect Discography Chronological Recordings History Entire Complete "Addicted" 1992.

53,925 Views - Youtube Video for the Great Greenhouse Effect Track "Addicted" from August 1992. Clark Haggans calls this Song "A G.E. Masterpiece" ; "To me,...Addicted is it"Says Higgins for Rock City Boston; "Addicted' is a song that I worked so hard on in the studio, ..recording all of the instruments myself and Over-dubbing them with Studio Engineer Bill krodel,...that man had patience and talent,....he brought out ALL of the talent in me..." Addicted' is a Greenhouse Effect Song that is right there with "White Black" and "Brandy" as one of the Redondo Beach Ca band's best classic material. // Greenhouse_Songs // #Seo = #Affiliates - #Greenhouse = #Brandy // XX #Links // #itunes // #Legalizeit #Web /
Greenhouse Effect Discography Chronological Recordings History Entire Complete "Addicted" 1992.

Greenhouse Effect Discography Chronological Rec..., posted with vodpod

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Clark Hagins And The Greenhouse Effect Web Traffic Entrepreneurs 2008 // Zeus 1000 internet Marketing.

Zeus1000-internet-Marketing #Links XB - #BlipTv = #Jango - #Greenhouse 9 FunkyTV_Songs #itunes L #Seo

The World's Most Watched band Dominates to "Number One" Videos @ Guba, Snapfish/Motionbox, Funky Tv,..and Vimeo !! #Seo #Marketing Cum Rock!


321,816 Views - Clark Hagins; "I "AM" Rock N Roll !!" He declares and he doesn't care what People think or People write About him; "We are the pure entertainment of the web,...We're all the "real" rock that is Left !!,...the type of rock that celebrates the melody of the 1960's and 70's ,..the Art and passion of 'those' times,....the heart and soul in music like Jim Croce, John Denver, and Harry Nilsson; "The web celebrates us and all I gotta do is check my Google traffic counter everyday,..and it always gives me the confidence that alotta' people watch us and alotta people dig our fucking shit,...We are loved by lots of folks out there all around the World !!" Greenhouse Effect revel in their glorious Web Traffic, other Bands and Home Video makers clamor to link to G.e. or be "associated" with their Videos - in hopes of accomplishing their very own web traffic dreams but Haggins says that Lame websites Like Youtube "Make things hard on everybody ,..EVERYBODY,....including G.e. !!" - "Youtube won't think twice about Deleting your account over absolutely nothing or even the slightest infraction,....and they are often wrong" States Higgins; "They will delete whole accounts by even G.e. , that tells you all you need to know,...they will delete anybody,....they make you pay for traffic,..and they hype up Lame things with phoney hits and fake traffic stats,.....they just exist to promote Lady Ga Ga and Justin Beiber and Liberalism,....they are just tryin' to make yer kid dumb,.....their goal is just chaos ,....pure nonsense,...they're just mindless entertainment,.....but G.e. is all about "Mindful" entertainment,...we are fun and funny to look at,....we make people laugh ,..but we are also informative and good quality,...we are talent that people like to watch - and Link to !! Best of all" Millions of People around the Planet each day 'need' to get their daily G.e. fix and Haggans is only so too happy to be the provider; "Because of Me and G.e,..the internet is more fun,...Bands want to be 'like us',...People want to email me,....People see all of our ads at Facebook, Myspace, and Google,....Our web traffic now drives itself, a machine,...and most days with absolutely ZERO advertising." The angry picture of Haggans flipping the camera the bird seems to rub against Haggins own strict policies of being a 'strict Christian" Musician who "Never Misses Sunday Mass" all the while constantly dropping F-Bombs all the way; - "I think it's fun all the contridictions with me,..I am a fair representation of our entire world,...I am like a tiny little tortured country ,..a gene pool sample gone mad,...I tell it like it is and i ain't no saint and I'm not perfect and 'thats' what makes G.e. so durable !!,....People love it and they love to watch me, like Our band,....but we technically "are" actually a really good band,..we're not a gimmick." Greenhouse Effect (G.e) play a heavy and melodic form of music ,..but they are "Not" metal or punk or even emo or alternative per say,....rather, they are a whole entire "new" sound, anamoly of the Net. "The way that Harry Nilsson moved his sound around and he could go from a song Like "Together" to a song like "Without You" or "Jump into the Fire",..'thats' how G.e. is,..and thats how i always wanted us to be,..we are no category,..we are part of NO IDENTITY ,....WE ARE JUST OURSELVES - WHAT-EVER THAT IS (Laughs)." Haggins says in 2008 that he doesn't mind saying of himself that he "Is" Rock n Roll; "To millions of people who watch me and my band,..our old school style is all there is that is left from the 70's and the old days of Zeppelin and the Who,....we sound like true classic rock,...and I hate all that shit from today,...I think it fucking sucks." - Today, Haggins finds himself anonymous as he cleans swimming pools, bearded, and over 200 pounds with a massive girth of a stomach gut and "Mr. South Bay" started his musical journey long ago in Redondo Beach California, recorded heavily guitar distorted "demos" at his home in Torrance's Hollywood Riviera and today, many in the community now revere his music as the town's Greatness as he basically "invented grunge rock" Long long before there was a thing called Nirvana; "People see all my ads all over the web,....they see all the traffic that we get,....they try to play live shows and write songs,....but nobody can keep up with me,....nobody can keep up with G.e. now because we are like a cyberspace machine,....I couldn't stop us now even if i desperately wanted to,...our web traffic feeds back into itself now,....and every band wants to copy and paste my shit and put their band with it ,..or their web junk that they sell with MLM MARKETING,....on the internet,...Greenhouse Effect "is it !!!" - Hagins also uses web savy tricks that "Guarantee Traffic" just incase he starts in on a bad week; "Things like the Zeus 1000 Robot can make me money,..if I need some,....I do ok on here though" Says Higgins. HAGINS says that he "Makes enough money" on the web to "buy food at Ralphs and Vons and eat at Taco bell in Carlsbad California as he cleans swimming pools; "People think that I'm rich and that I'm this millionaire off of G.e. (Laughs),...I WISH ,...I REALLY WISH" says Haggins for Rock City Boston. "Not many people recognize me out driving in traffic anymore,..I'm getting very old now and I don't look like that cute dude in G.e. anymore who was 25 (Laughs),....I'm an old fart now,......but I can still fucking rock BETTER THAN ANYBODY" States Higgins. Jeff Snowe of Rock City Productions "Discovered" the talents of Haggins and G.e. Long ago in 1988 and calls Haggins; "Los Angeles' BEST SONGWRITER BAR NONE" - " I really appreciate Jeff Snow and all he has done for our band,....he gives us the confidence to make things fun, get controversial, and to be egotistical,.....He hypes us up and really makes us believe in G.e. ,....he is like the ultimate Positive drill sargeant !!" Haggins says that he can only "Hope" that the Good Lord will forgive him for his Ego and his Vulgarity; "All that I ever wanted to do was entertain people and make them smile and Laugh - or cry and feel good,... it does make me feel bad sometimes,..all of this,...but Rock n roll 'must' go on,....and I am Rock n Roll ,...everything must be this way ." Haggins says that he is critically "Addicted" to writing; "I love to blog and I can't possibly stop,....I am certain that I need some kind of anti-writing therapy drug (Laughs)" Says Higgins. "My Dad was Gary B. Hagins - the School Teacher from Palos Verdes High School - Yeah that One ! ,...and He was the Greatest writer that I have ever read,.... He was always so thorough and descriptive complete,....I know that I can never be as Good and as talented as him,... He was a Genius ,.... My Dad was a rare Pure Genius... He watches over and protects me ,... from all evil " Haggins doesn't mince words that some of his main blogs are amongst the best on the Net; "People read my words as much - or even more - than they listen to G.e. ,.... No one has the heart to go up against me ,..or to challenge me,... they 'know' that I've been through too much ,... and that I 'know" too much..." - "Coke Snorting" is One of Haggins' favorite G.e Songs; "I love the video for "Coke",....I love Flipper's guitar sound ,..and i love the way my drums came out,...and I love Bill Krodel for mixing it so precisely and good ,....God Bless him..."

Monday, November 8, 2010

A Greenhouse Effect Songs ;It Ain't Easy- Music Remedy S Bay - BMI MUSIC NASHVILLE // Brietbart Music

A Greenhouse Effect Songs ;It Ain't Easy- Music Remedy S Bay
Uploaded by BrietbartMusic. - Music videos, artist interviews, concerts and more.
Greenhouse Effect Music is gigantic on the Web. Fueled by the mega hit songs "Brandy" and 'A White Black Thang' G.e's band traffic is bigger than every other rock group. "It frustrates me when people say its a gimmick or just a fluke" says Clark Haggins guitarist "We got the two best and biggest songs there is...period !" Greenhouse Effect (G.E.)  were no small potatoes in their heyday of rocking music festivals in the 'South Bay' communities of Redondo Beach, Hermosa, and Torrance California long ago. "I love the Hermosa Saloon and people want us to play again and i love the South Bay people n all... but its hard for me to get into the thought of playing little clubs again when we've been seen 100 million times n all over the World and downloaded so heavily, and drummer Greg Tarpley and Ted,..we wanna play the Loud Park Festival in Japan, we are woven into the culture over there with Naruto Shippuden." Will the new Greenhouse Effect of 2009 still be the good ol' three piece or will they 'add musicians' ala Green Day. "Green Day sucks,..i fucking hate them,..we are a trio forever" says Higgins. - Greenhouse Effect have a Special Connection with their Italian Fans; "Some days, we don't always get alotta' Huge Web Traffic,.....But we always Get cheered up when-ever We go to Italy,.....they seem to Love G.e. there" Says Clark-Hagins_Guitarist; "We have had two Large accounts deleted by the Douchebags at Myspace and Youtube ,'s frustrating because those were alotta' work,..alotta Blogging about my personal life n' shit" Says Higgins for Rock CITY BOSTON; "Youtube and Myspace are BOTH turning into douchebags,....they must not realise that Rock n Roll is hard work....."

Zeus1000-internet.Marketing = X #Seo - #Marketing - #Greenhouse 2

Video from everywhere!

193,034 Views - The Web's Most Watched band feeds off Myspace Advertising and Google Adwords to go with Lots of Airplay at World Wide Jango Radio; "We gotta LOT A' Great Songs and People are curious,...I make enough money selling Mp3's to Keep my ads flowing and my Jango Airplay always constantly going" Says Clark Haggans in 2009; "We're serious music and "that' is Lacking today,...most music now is a joke and it sucks,....We are into the Beatles, Harry Nilsson, and The Who and it sells our music, is embedded into the DNA Of my Songs" Says Haggans. Blogging is a way that Hagins constantly stirs the G.E. curiosity factor weapon index; "Getting into ALOT of Video Top Tens is important,...but when we get to all those Number One's that we have , shows how large our viewership is." Asked about music like Justin Beiber and Asher Roth, Haggans doesn't mince words for Rock City Worchester Massachusetts; "Asher Roth isn't serious music and neither is Eminem or Beiber,...they are part of the empty factor problem that has been destroying music, art, and melody for a long time,.....if I see one more phoney tattoo or piercing song,....I'm gonna fucking puke, needs to have soul, feeling, and passion,....People all around the world can plainly see that Greenhouse Effect Songs have the "Only" passion and 'truth' left,.....todays shit is empty,...just much like today's shallow empty unintelligent people ,....the types of People who voted for a dork like Obama,......they've never heard the Who "Live at Leeds",.....they don't know what SF Sorrow is,.....they don't even know about Crosby, Stills, and Nash,...and they were born in the 80's,....if somebody was born in the 80's,..then fuck em' ,..they don't know shit,..and I don't care what they know or say. .....all I know is today's Music sucks" Haggins grew up on David Bowie albums back in the 70's and early 80's in the "South Bay" area of Redondo Beach and Torrance Ca; "I come from where Black Flag is from and I grew up on 'Gone' albums by Greg Ginn and Iggy and the Stooges "Funhouse",....You think I fucking give a shit about Asher Roth (Who stole My band name) ,...or Beiber,...??? Fuck today's people - they suck !!" Haggins says that he often uses and refers to the "Quadrophenia Rule"; "If Somebody was born "Before" the Who Quadrophenia and they know about the song "Without You" By Nilsson ,...then I'll listen to what they have to say......If Somebody was born "After" the Who Quadrophenia (1973),....then,...they usually don't know shit what they're talkin' about"...
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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Video Views "3/4" Greenhouse Effect Songs // Phil-Keegan_Guitar - Clark Hagins_Vocals. Bmi Music Nashville.

193,034 Views - The Web's Most Watched band feeds off Myspace Advertising and Google Adwords to go with Lots of Airplay at World Wide Jango Radio; "We gotta LOT A' Great Songs and People are curious,...I make enough money selling Mp3's to Keep my ads flowing and my Jango Airplay always constantly going" Says Clark Haggans in 2009; "We're serious music and "that' is Lacking today,...most music now is a joke and it sucks,....We are into the Beatles, Harry Nilsson, and The Who and it sells our music, is embedded into the DNA Of my Songs" Says Haggans. Blogging is a way that Hagins constantly stirs the G.E. curiosity factor weapon index; "Getting into ALOT of Video Top Tens is important,...but when we get to all those Number One's that we have , shows how large our viewership is." Asked about music like Justin Beiber and Asher Roth, Haggans doesn't mince words for Rock City Worchester Massachusetts; "Asher Roth isn't serious music and neither is Eminem or Beiber,...they are part of the empty factor problem that has been destroying music, art, and melody for a long time,.....if I see one more phoney tattoo or piercing song,....I'm gonna fucking puke, needs to have soul, feeling, and passion,....People all around the world can plainly see that Greenhouse Effect Songs have the "Only" passion and 'truth' left,.....todays shit is empty,...just much like today's shallow empty unintelligent people ,....the types of People who voted for a dork like Obama,......they've never heard the Who "Live at Leeds",.....they don't know what SF Sorrow is,.....they don't even know about Crosby, Stills, and Nash,...and they were born in the 80's,....if somebody was born in the 80's,..then fuck em' ,..they don't know shit,..and I don't care what they know or say. .....all I know is today's Music sucks" Haggins grew up on David Bowie albums back in the 70's and early 80's in the "South Bay" area of Redondo Beach and Torrance Ca; "I come from where Black Flag is from and I grew up on 'Gone' albums by Greg Ginn and Iggy and the Stooges "Funhouse",....You think I fucking give a shit about Asher Roth (Who stole My band name) ,...or Beiber,...??? Fuck today's people - they suck !!"

Video Views "3/4" Greenhouse Effect Songs // Ph..., posted with vodpod

Funky | Greenhouse-Effect's Songs "Manipulation" May 1991 Hagins/Carmody.

Funky | Greenhouse-Effect's Songs "Manipulation" May 1991 Hagins/Carmody.

Adwords // Greenhouse-Effect_Songs "3/4" (1989) // Clark-Haggans / Phil-Keegan_Guitar / BMI

74,392 Views - Greenhouse Effect with One of their Earlier Songs "3/4" (1989). So named for the Time Signature that it is played in, This track is one of Clark Haggans' Favorite G.e. Tracks. Recorded the same days as "A Current Affair", 'Six Feet Under', and "Snake",...this track was a Phil Keegan Guitar played Song that Drummer Clark Haggans arranged into 3/4 time; "It may actually be 6/8 time,..but I was experimenting with various drum ideas that I was learning from a drum instruction book that I bought at a music store in Torrance California,.....also I wanted to be part of songs that were like 'Rush Hemispheres' and Captain Beyond,.....those 1970's era bands had lots of weird songs in odd times but the thing I really like about "3/4" is that it reminds me alot of The Guess Who too as well." The Lyrics of 3/4 deal with a personal issue for Haggans at the time in 1989; "These lyrics are about me being stuck in my own world and being too unconfident or what ever it was to ask out some nice girl who suddenly got married to someone else when she was like 18,...I was 23 goin' on 24 at the time ,..and it was a devestating thing for a nice guy like me,....I've tried to explain to many people over the years that its hard to just ask out girls when You were some guy back in the day who you "knew" everybody hated and disrespected ,..or at the very least or most disregarded, family made me feel very small,..way way too small,...and this is how it was since I was five years old,..My brother Doug was like some dude in the USMC ,....I have long said and held the belief that he "cost me' that girl,....anyway,..when i wrote 3/4,...I was very young and the lyrics seem to take things out on me myself,....When i probably should have been blaming others,....about a year after this song would come 1990's "Waiting for your love to fail" which angrily expanded upon this song idea,.....Where I got into a confused rage and I seemed to be taking it out on the girl and the WHOLE WORLD TOO (Laughs),....anyway, was a bad situation back then,...this song is special and it still means alot to me and i'm sure Flipper too, recalls a time and it brings back the memories with melody indeed !!" After these four songs from the "Four Song E.p,. " were recorded, G.E. would abandon the 1970's Sounds in favor of more obvious punk rock and metal trappings for 1990's "Immorally Moral" and "Coke Snorting" and "Virus O'Syrus". "We had to make quick updates to our sound" Says Haggans "I started singing sorta like Ozzy and Axl MIXED with Mike Patton-like shit whilst still tryin' to keep my own identity thang ....." ROCK CITY PRODUCTIONS 1989.

Adwords // Greenhouse-Effect_Songs "3/4" (1989)..., posted with vodpod

Friday, November 5, 2010

Most Viewed Videos Italia USA's Greenhouse Effect Music Italy World Wide !! "Brandy" BMI Musica America !!

324,119 Vemeos - American Rock "effetto serra" Band è il più guardati gruppo musicale in Italia! // "Misogynistia" (Bitch Songo) Vemeos - American Rock "effetto serra" Band è il più guardati gruppo musicale in Italia! // I più visti Video Italia USA musicale Greenhouse Effect Italia World Wide! "Brandy" BMI Musica America! American Rock "effetto serra" Band è il più guardati gruppo musicale in Italia! // Clark-Haggans e il Rock Boys il mondo ogni giorno con milioni di visite e download da Internet. La Russia e la Grecia sono grandi fan di questo enorme gruppo rock statunitense che tutto il mondo gode in vimeoso bliptv hd.

Most Viewed Videos Italia USA's Greenhouse Effe..., posted with vodpod

Most Viewed Videos Italia USA's Greenhouse Effect Music Italy World Wide !! "Brandy" BMI Musica America !!

324,119 Vemeos - American Rock "effetto serra" Band è il più guardati gruppo musicale in Italia! // "Misogynistia" (Bitch Songo) Vemeos - American Rock "effetto serra" Band è il più guardati gruppo musicale in Italia! // I più visti Video Italia USA musicale Greenhouse Effect Italia World Wide! "Brandy" BMI Musica America! American Rock "effetto serra" Band è il più guardati gruppo musicale in Italia! // Clark-Haggans e il Rock Boys il mondo ogni giorno con milioni di visite e download da Internet. La Russia e la Grecia sono grandi fan di questo enorme gruppo rock statunitense che tutto il mondo gode in vimeoso bliptv hd.

Monday, November 1, 2010

G.e. Live At Wilson Park Bootlegs 'No. 1' - Some Break-through Shit recorded in the crowd on a boom box;

G.e. Live At Wilson Park Bootlegs 'No. 1' - Some Break-through Shit recorded in the crowd on a boom box;  

G.e. Live At Wilson Park Bootlegs 'No. 1' - Some Break-through Shit recorded in the crowd on a boom box;  

'Star' Greenhouse Effect Songs At Blogger; Various Versions - The Greenhouse Effect Song List Recording Chronology History South Bay.

Adwords Greenhouse Effect Songs "Star" The Classics ! Most Watched Videos - BMI Music 2009. from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo.

The "Live at Hermosa Saloon" Version with Drummer_Greg-Tarpley; August 16, 1991
Clark-Haggans; Guitar

Greenhouse Effect Live "Star" Hermosa Saloon Footage August 16, 1991 from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo.

Greenhouse Effect Songs Rehearsal Version Feb 1991 "God's Joke" Marty_Silva-Drums. Hagins-Guitar.

23,035 Views - Youtube Video - Greenhouse Effect recorded at a Rehearsal in Harbor City California at Accessive Light and Sound Studio (Lomita Area Studio Once ran By Andy Houston). At this rehearsal Session, The three Piece band is captured here as they jam with San Pedro Drummer Martin Silva along with Clark Hagins Lead Singing and playing blues-rock guitar and Bassist_Rick Carmody. "When we had Marty Silva in the band on Drums, we got real good,...."God's Joke" always came alive at jams  and when we played it live, was awesome." Greenhouse Effect (G.E.) is much more known for their superbly recorded studio song gems such as "Star", Brandy, "Ben is Dead, White Black Thang, and others ,..but there are occasional "Live in Studio" as well as Live gig recordings that are heard on the web where Clark Hagins proves he's much more than just a great South Bay Drummer; "It's funny,..when I talk to Marty on the phone,....he doesn't even know of my drumming prowess at all,..and to the best of my knowledge neither do Greg Tarpley or Palle (Laughs) ,...They all think that "They're" the drummer of G.e. ?? !!" Haggins says that getting Lots of people around the World to take him and his music serious is hard work and a constant uphill battle; "So many People only know me as a drummer in Los Angeles,....but thats probobly likely because its due to the fact that they never bothered to take the time to go see enough of our gigs,....I guess that they didn't pay close enough attention to all my flyers at Go-Boy Records in Redondo and at Alternative Groove down in Hermosa. (Laughs)" For more than half of the time of the band's existence, Haggins had moved up front on guitar in the trio along with bassist Rick Carmody and who-ever they could get at the time back on the drums; We first had Marty Silva and we picked him up about December of 1990,....he was around until June of 91 and 'thats' when I discovered Greg Tarpley jamming with some punk band !! When I heard how tight Greg Played,...we hired him on the spot,....but looking back, that might have been a huge mistake because we really missed the power and heaviness of Marty,....although Greg was hella' tight !!! Hagins and Carmody reacquainted with Silva about December 91' just right after the Seattle invasion of bands like Nirvana exploded on to the scene and after Greg Tarpley quit the band; "We just thought and 'knew' that we were gonna get a record deal and Marty Silva was gonna be the way to do it,.... about January and February of 92' , we had gotten really tight live with Marty again. Silva would however quit the band too as well after a gig at Nomad's Club in West Los Angeles where no crowd showed and planned attendances by Geffen A & R Personell never materialized; "We played like this incredible tight performance at Nomads in front of absolutely no one and Marty quit the next day,.....and thats when I gave Palle Carlson a call" Says Haggins. Palle Carlson was a drummer who was always 'filling in' from time to time but Haggins decided that the time was right to let him join G.e. permanently ; "Palle was a much better drummer than I gave him credit,...he actually hit hard and tight,...I just had low confidence in him,...maybe based on the way he looked,..." Haggins says that he knows all too well what it is to be 'judged on appearances'; "Back in the South Bay,..I was a real smallish little dude who spoke with like this annoying high pitched little voice,....and thus, thats maybe why alotta people didn't take me and my music serious, I theorize,..that could be why,.....but it sure is a dumb reason to miss out on all that Great music by G.e. ,....theres still many people even to this day ,..who won't give me a chance ,..and they won't even bother to hear my songs,....believe me,..I have to sit here for hours at night and work real damn hard to convince millions of people that I'm good at music and I damn near practically can't do it BELIEVE THAT SHIT OR NOT ! !!! except for the fact that my music is really technically so damn good and Proficient ,....thats the only thing that gets me by and over the line,...they ain't loving me 'cause I'm sexy on here (Laughs)." Haggins says that many of his hard worked video and Blog accounts (Like two of the ones at Youtube) have been deleted and alot of it is because so many people come on to sites to say nasty things about Hagins and G.e.; "Many of these people - like the ones who ruined two of my Youtube Accounts - are people who originate back in the South Bay and the things they say can very vicious and brutal at me,....and i guess that they still don't Like me at all - even after all these years (Laughs) ,.....but I cannot ever remember me personally going out of my way to "smear' other People the way that I have seen people come after me on here (Online),....who knows,..Some of them could be old people from Bam Magazine (Laughs),.....when I look back over my life,...I really cannot remember many times where I have gone and tried to hate on others - thats just NOT my game ,....I'm usually very nice,....but the stuff that I have encountered in cyberspace directed at me has made me turn into a very ugly monster and a complete different animal now,...I don't F***k with people,...and people shouldn't mess with me either,.. I'm jus' tryin' to get my music out there - out to the people,..and if I can't get signed ,..then what else do they expect me to do ??,..videos are all that I got." -  